Generated on Mon Aug 25 11:35:46 2008 for Gecode by doxygen 1.5.6

Using finite domain integers
[Programming models]


 Integer variables
 Argument arrays
 Variable arrays
 Domain constraints
 Simple relation constraints over integer variables
 Simple relation constraints over Boolean variables
 Element constraints
 Distinct constraints
 Channel constraints
 Graph constraints
 Scheduling constraints
 Sorted constraints
 Cardinality constraints
 Extensional constraints
 Arithmetic constraints
 Linear constraints over integer variables
 Linear constraints over Boolean variables
 Unsharing variables


enum  Gecode::IntRelType {
  Gecode::IRT_EQ, Gecode::IRT_NQ, Gecode::IRT_LQ, Gecode::IRT_LE,
  Gecode::IRT_GQ, Gecode::IRT_GR
 Relation types for integers. More...
enum  Gecode::BoolOpType {
  Gecode::BOT_AND, Gecode::BOT_OR, Gecode::BOT_IMP, Gecode::BOT_EQV,
 Operation types for Booleans. More...
enum  Gecode::IntConLevel { Gecode::ICL_VAL, Gecode::ICL_BND, Gecode::ICL_DOM, Gecode::ICL_DEF }
 Consistency levels for integer propagators. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Relation types for integers.

IRT_EQ  Equality ($=$).
IRT_NQ  Disequality ($\neq$).
IRT_LQ  Less or equal ($\leq$).
IRT_LE  Less ($<$).
IRT_GQ  Greater or equal ($\geq$).
IRT_GR  Greater ($>$).

Definition at line 694 of file int.hh.

Operation types for Booleans.

BOT_AND  Conjunction.
BOT_OR  Disjunction.
BOT_IMP  Implication.
BOT_EQV  Equivalence.
BOT_XOR  Exclusive or.

Definition at line 707 of file int.hh.

Consistency levels for integer propagators.

The descriptions are meant to be suggestions. It is not required that a propagator achieves full domain consistency or full bounds consistency. It is more like: which level of consistency comes closest.

If in the description of a constraint below no consistency level is mentioned, the propagator for the constraint implements domain consistency.

ICL_VAL  Value consistency (naive).
ICL_BND  Bounds consistency.
ICL_DOM  Domain consistency.
ICL_DEF  The default consistency for a constraint.

Definition at line 728 of file int.hh.