Generated on Mon Aug 25 11:35:47 2008 for Gecode by doxygen 1.5.6

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AllIntervalExample: All-interval Series
AlphaExample: Alpha puzzle
BACPExample: The balanced academic curriculum problem
BaselineExample: Baseline test
BaseOptionBase class for options
BIBDExample: Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD)
BIBDOptionsOptions for BIBD problems
BlackHoleExample: Black Hole Patience
BlackHoleBranchCustom branching for black hole patience
CourseA course
CrewExample: Airline crew allocation
CrowdedChessExample: Crowded Chessboard
CurriculumA curriculum
DominoExample: Solitaire Domino
DonaldExample: DONALD+GERALD=ROBERT puzzle
Eq20Example: Solving 20 linear equations
ExampleBase-class for Gecode examples
FileNameOptionsOptions for examples with additional file name parameter
Gecode::ActorBase-class for both propagators and branchings
Gecode::ActorLinkDouble-linked list for actors
Gecode::AdvisorBase-class for advisors
Gecode::Advisors< A >Class to iterate over advisors of a council
Gecode::AllVarConfConfiguration for all variable implementations
Gecode::ArgArrayBase< T >Base-class for argument arrays
Gecode::ArrayTraits< A >Traits of arrays in Gecode
Gecode::ArrayTraits< BoolVarArgs >Traits of BoolVarArgs
Gecode::ArrayTraits< BoolVarArray >Traits of BoolVarArray
Gecode::ArrayTraits< CpltSetVarArgs >Traits of CpltSetVarArgs
Gecode::ArrayTraits< CpltSetVarArray >Traits of CpltSetVarArray
Gecode::ArrayTraits< IntArgs >Traits of IntArgs
Gecode::ArrayTraits< IntVarArgs >Traits of IntVarArgs
Gecode::ArrayTraits< IntVarArray >Traits of IntVarArray
Gecode::ArrayTraits< SetVarArgs >Traits of SetVarArgs
Gecode::ArrayTraits< SetVarArray >Traits of SetVarArray
Gecode::BAB< T >Depth-first branch-and-bound search engine
Gecode::BddMgrExceptionException: Error in the Buddy ROBDD manager
Gecode::BinaryPropagator< View, pc >Binary propagator
Gecode::BoolVarBoolean integer variables
Gecode::BoolVarArrayBoolean variable array
Gecode::BranchingBase-class for branchings
Gecode::BranchingDescBranch description for batch recomputation
Gecode::ConstViewBaseBase-class for constant views
Gecode::Council< A >Council of advisors
Gecode::CpltSet::ArgumentEmptyException: No arguments available in argument array
Gecode::CpltSet::ArgumentSizeMismatchException: Arguments are of different size
Gecode::CpltSet::BddIteratorIterator for level-wise iteration over a given bdd
Gecode::CpltSet::BddMgrManager for CpltSetVars
Gecode::CpltSet::BinaryCpltSetPropagator< View0, View1 >Binary propagator for CpltSet variables
Gecode::CpltSet::BinRelDisj< View0, View1 >Binary Rel Disjoint Propagator
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ByMaxCardView selection class for view with greatest cardinality of lub-glb
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ByMaxUnknownView selection class for view with greatest element in lub-glb
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ByMinCardView selection class for view with smallest cardinality of lub-glb
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ByMinUnknownView selection class for view with smallest element in lub-glb
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ByNoneView selection class for first view
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ValMaxUnknown< exclude >Class for selecting maximum value of unknown ranges
Gecode::CpltSet::Branch::ValMinUnknown< exclude >Class for selecting minimum value of unknown ranges
Gecode::CpltSet::CpltSetVarImpFinite integer set variable implementation using a complete domain representation
Gecode::CpltSet::CpltSetVarImpConfDummy configuration for CpltSet-variable implementations
Gecode::CpltSet::CpltSetViewCpltSet view for CpltSet variables
Gecode::CpltSet::DomBddIteratorIterator for level-wise iteration of a variable domain
Gecode::CpltSet::GlbLubSpecNoSubsetException: Variable created with glb not a subset of lub
Gecode::CpltSet::GlbValues< T >Iterate the values in the greatest lower bound of a CpltSetvariable
Gecode::CpltSet::GlbValues< CpltSetVarImp * >Iterator for the values in the greatest lower bound of a bdd variable implementation
Gecode::CpltSet::GlbValues< CpltSetView >Iterator for the values in the greatest lower bound of a CpltSetView
Gecode::CpltSet::InvalidProjectorException: Invalid projector passed as argument
Gecode::CpltSet::InvalidRelationException: Invalid relation passed as argument
Gecode::CpltSet::LubValues< T >Iterate the values in the least upper bound of a bdd set variable
Gecode::CpltSet::LubValues< CpltSetVarImp * >Iterator for the values in the least upper bound of a bdd variable implementation
Gecode::CpltSet::LubValues< CpltSetView >Value iterator for least upper bound of singleton set view
Gecode::CpltSet::NaryCpltSetPropagator< View >Nary propagator for CpltSet variables
Gecode::CpltSet::NaryOneCpltSetPropagator< View0, View1 >Propagator for CpltSet variables with n+1 arguments
Gecode::CpltSet::NaryTwoCpltSetPropagator< View0, View1 >Propagator for CpltSet variables with n+2 arguments
Gecode::CpltSet::Singleton< View1, View2 >Singleton channel propagator from IntVar to CpltSetVar
Gecode::CpltSet::UnaryCpltSetPropagator< View >Unary propagator for CpltSet variables
Gecode::CpltSet::UnknownBranchingException: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument
Gecode::CpltSet::UnknownValues< T >Iterate the values lub-glb of a bdd set variable
Gecode::CpltSet::UnknownValues< CpltSetVarImp * >Iterator for the unknown values of a bdd variable implementation
Gecode::CpltSet::UnknownValues< CpltSetView >Iterator for the unknown values of a CpltSetView
Gecode::CpltSet::VariableFailedDomainException: Variable created with failed domain
Gecode::CpltSet::VariableInvalidDomainSpecException: Variable created with invalid domain specification
Gecode::CpltSet::VariableOutOfRangeCardinalityException: Variable created with wrong cardinality
Gecode::CpltSet::VariableOutOfRangeDomainException: Variable created with values too large for domain
Gecode::CpltSetVarFinite set variable with complete domain representation
Gecode::CpltSetVarArrayCpltSet variable array
Gecode::CpltSetVarGlbRangesRange iterator for the greatest lower bound of a bdd variable
Gecode::CpltSetVarGlbValuesValue iterator for the greatest lower bound of a bdd variable
Gecode::CpltSetVarLubRangesRange iterator for the least upper bound of a bdd variable
Gecode::CpltSetVarLubValuesValue iterator for the least upper bound of a bdd variable
Gecode::CpltSetVarUnknownRangesRange iterator for the unknown set of a bdd variable
Gecode::DeltaGeneric domain change information to be supplied to advisors
Gecode::DerivedViewBase< View >Base-class for derived views
Gecode::DFADeterministic finite automaton (DFA)
Gecode::DFA::DFAIData stored for a DFA
Gecode::DFA::DFAI::HashEntrySpecification of transition range
Gecode::DFA::SymbolsIterator for DFA symbols
Gecode::DFA::TransitionSpecification of a DFA transition
Gecode::DFA::TransitionsIterator for DFA transitions (sorted by symbols)
Gecode::DFS< T >Depth-first search engine
Gecode::DomainSize< View >Traits class for variable domain size
Gecode::DomainSize< Int::BoolView >Class providing domain size info
Gecode::DomainSize< Int::IntView >Class providing domain size info
Gecode::ExceptionException: Base-class for exceptions
Gecode::FormulaFormulas for specifying set constraints
Gecode::Formula::NodeNodes used to construct formulas
Gecode::FreeListBase-class for freelist-managed objects
Gecode::Int::ArgumentSameException: Arguments contain same variable multiply
Gecode::Int::ArgumentSizeMismatchException: Arguments are of different size
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::AbsBnd< View >Bounds consistent absolute value propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::AbsDom< View >Domain consistent absolute value propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::DivBnd< View >Bounds consistent division propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::DivMod< View >Integer division/modulo propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::DivPlusBnd< Val, VA, VB, VC, towardsMinInf >Bounds consistent positive division propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MaxBnd< View >Bounds consistent ternary maximum propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MaxDom< View >Domain consistent ternary maximum propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultBnd< View >Bounds consistent multiplication propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultDom< View >Domain consistent multiplication propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultPlusBnd< Val, VA, VB, VC >Bounds consistent positive multiplication propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultPlusDom< Val, VA, VB, VC >Domain consistent positive multiplication propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultZeroOne< View, pc >Bounds or domain consistent propagator for $x_0\times x_1=x_0$
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::NaryMaxBnd< View >Bounds consistent n-ary maximum propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::NaryMaxDom< View >Domain consistent n-ary maximum propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::RangesMapSqrMapping ranges to squares
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::RangesMapSqrtMapping integer to square root
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrBnd< View >Bounds consistent square propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrDom< View >Domain consistent square propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrPlusBnd< VA, VB >Bounds consistent positive square propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrPlusDom< VA, VB >Domain consistent positive square propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtBnd< View >Bounds consistent square root propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtDom< View >Domain consistent square root propagator
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::ValuesMapSqrMapping integer to square
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::ValuesMapSqrtMapping integer to square root
Gecode::Int::Bool::BinOrTrue< BVA, BVB >Binary Boolean disjunction propagator (true)
Gecode::Int::Bool::BoolBinary< BVA, BVB >Base-class for binary Boolean propagators
Gecode::Int::Bool::BoolTernary< BVA, BVB, BVC >Base-class for ternary Boolean propagators
Gecode::Int::Bool::Eq< BVA, BVB >Boolean equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::Eqv< BVA, BVB, BVC >Boolean equivalence propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::Le< BV >Boolean less propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::Lq< BV >Boolean less or equal propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryEq< BV >N-ary Boolean equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryOr< BV >Boolean n-ary disjunction propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryOrTrue< BV >Boolean n-ary disjunction propagator (true)
Gecode::Int::Bool::Or< BVA, BVB, BVC >Boolean disjunction propagator
Gecode::Int::Bool::OrTrueSubsumed< BV >Binary Boolean disjunction propagator (subsumed)
Gecode::Int::Bool::QuadOrTrue< BV >Quarternary Boolean disjunction propagator (true)
Gecode::Int::Bool::TerOrTrue< BV >Ternary Boolean disjunction propagator (true)
Gecode::Int::BoolVarImpBoolean variable implementation
Gecode::Int::BoolVarImpConfDummy configuration for Bool-variable implementations
Gecode::Int::BoolViewBoolean view for Boolean variables
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByDegreeMax< View >View selection class for view with largest degree (and smallest size in case of ties)
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByDegreeMaxNoTies< View >View selection class for view with largest degree
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByDegreeMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest degree (and smallest size in case of ties)
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByDegreeMinNoTies< View >View selection class for view with smallest degree
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByMaxMax< View >View selection class for view with largest max
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByMaxMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest max
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByMinMax< View >View selection class for view with largest min
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByMinMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest min
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByNone< View >View selection class for first variable
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByRegretMaxMax< View >View selection class for view with largest max-regret
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByRegretMaxMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest max-regret
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByRegretMinMax< View >View selection class for view with largest min-regret
Gecode::Int::Branch::ByRegretMinMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest min-regret
Gecode::Int::Branch::BySizeDegreeMax< View >View selection class for view with largest size divided by degree
Gecode::Int::Branch::BySizeDegreeMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest size divided by degree
Gecode::Int::Branch::BySizeMax< View >View selection class for view with largest size
Gecode::Int::Branch::BySizeMin< View >View selection class for view with smallest size
Gecode::Int::Branch::Creator< View, Val, SelView >Register reflection for branchings
Gecode::Int::Branch::NoValueFor Boolean branchings not needing a value
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValMax< View >Class for selecting median value
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValMed< View >Class for selecting maximum value
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValMin< View >Class for selecting minimum value
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValOneZero< View >Class for trying one and then zero
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValSplitMax< View >Class for splitting domain (upper half first)
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValSplitMin< View >Class for splitting domain (lower half first)
Gecode::Int::Branch::ValZeroOne< View >Class for trying zero and then one
Gecode::Int::Channel::Base< Info, pc >Base-class for channel propagators
Gecode::Int::Channel::BoolIterIterates the values to be removed as defined by an array of Boolean views
Gecode::Int::Channel::Dom< View, shared >Domain consistent channel propagator
Gecode::Int::Channel::DomInfo< View >Combine view with information for domain propagation
Gecode::Int::Channel::LinkMultiLink propagator for multiple Boolean views
Gecode::Int::Channel::LinkSingleLink propagator for a single Boolean view
Gecode::Int::Channel::Val< View, shared >Naive channel propagator
Gecode::Int::Channel::ValInfo< View >Combine view with information for value propagation
Gecode::Int::Circuit::Base< View >Base-class for circuit propagator
Gecode::Int::Circuit::Dom< View >"Domain consistent" circuit propagator
Gecode::Int::Circuit::SsccInfo< View >Information required for non-recursive checking for a single scc
Gecode::Int::Circuit::TellInfo< View >Information for performing a recorded tell
Gecode::Int::Circuit::Val< View >"Value-consistent" circuit propagator
Gecode::Int::ConstIntViewConstant integer view
Gecode::Int::Count::BaseInt< VX, VY >Baseclass for count propagators (integer)
Gecode::Int::Count::BaseView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >Base-class for count propagators (view)
Gecode::Int::Count::EqInt< VX, VY >Propagator for counting views (equal integer to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::EqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >Propagator for counting views (equal to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::GqInt< VX, VY >Propagator for counting views (greater or equal integer to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::GqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >Propagator for counting views (greater or equal to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::LqInt< VX, VY >Propagator for counting views (less or equal integer to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::LqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >Propagator for counting views (less or equal to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::NqInt< VX, VY >Propagator for counting views (not equal integer to number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Count::NqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >Propagator for counting views (different from number of equal views)
Gecode::Int::Cumulatives::EventAn event collects the information for one evnet for the sweep-line
Gecode::Int::Cumulatives::Val< ViewM, ViewD, ViewH, View >Propagator for the cumulatives constraint
Gecode::Int::Distinct::BiLinkBidirectional links for both edges and anchors in nodes of view-value graph
Gecode::Int::Distinct::Bnd< View >Bounds consistent distinct propagator
Gecode::Int::Distinct::CombPtrFlag< T >Class for combining two pointers with a flag
Gecode::Int::Distinct::Dom< View >Domain consistent distinct propagator
Gecode::Int::Distinct::DomCtrl< View >Propagation controller for domain consistent distinct
Gecode::Int::Distinct::DomCtrl< View >::ViewValGraphView-value graph for propagation
Gecode::Int::Distinct::Edge< View >Edges in view-value graph
Gecode::Int::Distinct::HallInfoInformation on Hall intervals
Gecode::Int::Distinct::MaxInc< View >Sort-order by increasing maximum
Gecode::Int::Distinct::MinInc< View >Sort-order by increasing minimum
Gecode::Int::Distinct::Node< View >Base-class for nodes (both view and value nodes)
Gecode::Int::Distinct::PruneVal< View >Prunes the values read from a view node
Gecode::Int::Distinct::RankRank information
Gecode::Int::Distinct::TerDom< View >Ternary domain consistent distinct propagator
Gecode::Int::Distinct::Val< View >Naive value distinct propagator
Gecode::Int::Distinct::ValNode< View >Value nodes in view-value graph
Gecode::Int::Distinct::ViewNode< View >View nodes in view-value graph
Gecode::Int::Dom::ReIntSet< View >Reified domain dom-propagator
Gecode::Int::Dom::ReRange< View >Reified range dom-propagator
Gecode::Int::Element::IdxValLinkLinks for index-value map
Gecode::Int::Element::IdxValMapClass for index-value map
Gecode::Int::Element::IdxView< View >Class for pair of index and view
Gecode::Int::Element::Int< ViewA, ViewB >Element propagator for array of integers
Gecode::Int::Element::IterIdxValue iterator for indices in index-value map
Gecode::Int::Element::IterIdxView< View >Value iterator for indices in index-view map
Gecode::Int::Element::IterValValue iterator for values in index-value map
Gecode::Int::Element::RelTestBnd< VA, VC >Class for bounds-equality test
Gecode::Int::Element::RelTestBnd< VA, ConstIntView >Class for bounds-equality test (specialized)
Gecode::Int::Element::RelTestDom< VA, VC >Class for domain-equality test
Gecode::Int::Element::RelTestDom< VA, ConstIntView >Class for domain-equality test (specialized)
Gecode::Int::Element::View< VA, VB, VC, pc_ac >Base-class for element propagator for array of views
Gecode::Int::Element::ViewBnd< VA, VB, VC >Bounds consistent element propagator for array of views
Gecode::Int::Element::ViewDom< VA, VB, VC >Domain consistent element propagator for array of views
Gecode::Int::Element::ViewToVarArg< View >Class to get VarArg type for view
Gecode::Int::Element::ViewToVarArg< BoolView >VarArg type for Boolean views
Gecode::Int::Element::ViewToVarArg< IntView >VarArg type for integer views
Gecode::Int::Extensional::Base< View, subscribe >Base for domain consistent extensional propagation
Gecode::Int::Extensional::Basic< View >Domain consistent extensional propagator
Gecode::Int::Extensional::BitSetSimple bitsets
Gecode::Int::Extensional::EdgeEdge in the layered graph
Gecode::Int::Extensional::GroupStatesGroupStates is used to index StateGroup by group
Gecode::Int::Extensional::Incremental< View >Domain consistent extensional propagator
Gecode::Int::Extensional::Incremental< View >::SupportEntryEntry for storing support
Gecode::Int::Extensional::Incremental< View >::WorkDescription of work to be done
Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayerLayer for a view in the layered graph
Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayeredGraph< View >Domain consistent layered graph (regular) propagator
Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayeredGraph< View >::IndexAdvisors for views (by position in array)
Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayeredGraph< View >::IndexRangeRange approximation of which positions have changed
Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayerValuesIterator for telling variable domains by scanning support
Gecode::Int::Extensional::StateStates are described by number of incoming and outgoing edges
Gecode::Int::Extensional::StateGroupStategroup is used to compute a partition of states
Gecode::Int::Extensional::StateGroupByGroupSort groups stated by group and then state
Gecode::Int::Extensional::SupportSupport information for a value
Gecode::Int::Extensional::TransByI_StateSort transition array by input state
Gecode::Int::Extensional::TransByO_StateSort transition array by output state
Gecode::Int::Extensional::TransBySymbolSort transition array by symbol (value)
Gecode::Int::Extensional::TransBySymbolI_StateSort transition array by symbol and then input states
Gecode::Int::GCC::Bnd< View, Card, isView >Bounds consistent global cardinality propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::BndImp< View, Card, isView, shared >Implementation of the bounds consistent global cardinality propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::CardViewCard integer view
Gecode::Int::GCC::Dom< View, Card, isView >Domain consistent global cardinality propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::EdgeClass for edges $ e(x,v) $ in the variable-value-graph
Gecode::Int::GCC::HallInfoContainer class provding information about the Hall structure of the problem variables
Gecode::Int::GCC::MaxInc< View >Compares two indices i, j of two views $ x_i $ $ x_j$ according to the ascending order of the views upper bounds
Gecode::Int::GCC::MinInc< View >Compares two indices i, j of two views $ x_i $ $ x_j$ according to the ascending order of the views lower bounds
Gecode::Int::GCC::OccurBndsViewTuple conataining the lower and upper cardinality bounds
Gecode::Int::GCC::PartialSum< Card >Partial sum structure for constant time computation of the maximal capacity of an interval
Gecode::Int::GCC::RankMaps domain bounds to their position in hall[].bounds
Gecode::Int::GCC::SharingTest< View1, View2 >Sharing test for the bounds consistent global cardinality propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::SharingTest< IntView, OccurBndsView >Specialization of class SharingTest for the case of fixed cardinalities using IntView as View1 and OccurBndsView as View2
Gecode::Int::GCC::UnReachableClass for computing unreachable values in the value GCC propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::Val< View, Card, isView >Value consistent global cardinality propagator
Gecode::Int::GCC::ValNodeValue node
Gecode::Int::GCC::VarNodeVariable Node
Gecode::Int::GCC::VarValGraph< View, Card, isView >Variable-value-graph used during propagation
Gecode::Int::GCC::VVGNodeBase class for nodes in the variable-value-graph
Gecode::Int::IntDeltaInteger delta information for advisors
Gecode::Int::IntVarImpInteger variable implementation
Gecode::Int::IntVarImp::RangeListLists of ranges (intervals)
Gecode::Int::IntVarImpBwdBackward iterator for ranges of integer variable implementations
Gecode::Int::IntVarImpConfDummy configuration for Int-variable implementations
Gecode::Int::IntVarImpFwdRange iterator for ranges of integer variable implementation
Gecode::Int::IntViewInteger view for integer variables
Gecode::Int::Linear::DomEq< Val, View >Propagator for domain consistent n-ary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::EmptyScaleBoolArrayEmpty array of scale Boolean views
Gecode::Int::Linear::Eq< Val, P, N >Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBin< Val, A, B >Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolInt< VX >Propagator for integer equal to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolInt< VX >::MemoryPropagator using less memory but with linear runtime
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolInt< VX >::SpeedPropagator using more memory but with constant runtime
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >Propagator for equality to Boolean sum with coefficients
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolView< XV, YV >Propagator for equality to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::EqTer< Val, A, B, C >Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBin< Val, A, B >Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear greater or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolInt< VX >Propagator for integer less or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolInt< VX >::MemoryPropagator using less memory but with linear runtime
Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolInt< VX >::SpeedPropagator using more memory but with constant runtime
Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolView< XV, YV >Propagator for greater or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::Lin< Val, P, N, pc >Base-class for n-ary linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBin< Val, A, B, pc >Base-class for binary linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX, pcx >Base class for linear Boolean constraints with coefficients
Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBoolView< XV, YV >Base-class for Boolean linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::LinTer< Val, A, B, C, pc >Base-class for ternary linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::Lq< Val, P, N >Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBin< Val, A, B >Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear less or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >Propagator for inequality to Boolean sum with coefficients
Gecode::Int::Linear::LqTer< Val, A, B, C >Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear less or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::MemoryLinBoolInt< VX >Baseclass for integer Boolean sum using dependencies
Gecode::Int::Linear::NegSupportIter< Val >Support-based iterator for negative view
Gecode::Int::Linear::NoViewNo view serves as filler for empty view arrays
Gecode::Int::Linear::Nq< Val, P, N >Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear disequality
Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBin< Val, A, B >Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear disequality
Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolInt< VX >Propagator for integer disequal to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum with coefficients
Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolView< XV, YV >Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::NqTer< Val, A, B, C >Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear disquality
Gecode::Int::Linear::PosSupportIter< Val >Support-based iterator for positive view
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEq< Val, P, N, Ctrl >Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBin< Val, A, B, Ctrl >Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear equality
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBoolView< XV, YV, BV >Propagator for reified equality to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReGqBoolView< XV, YV, BV >Propagator for reified greater or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality)
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLin< Val, P, N, pc, Ctrl >Base-class for reified n-ary linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLinBin< Val, A, B, pc, Ctrl >Base-class for reified binary linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLinBoolView< XV, YV, BV >Base-class for reified Boolean linear propagators
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLq< Val, P, N >Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLqBin< Val, A, B >Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear less or equal
Gecode::Int::Linear::ScaleBoolCoefficient and Boolean view
Gecode::Int::Linear::ScaleBoolArrayArray of scale Boolean views
Gecode::Int::Linear::SpeedLinBoolInt< VX >Baseclass for integer Boolean sum using advisors
Gecode::Int::Linear::SupportIter< Val >Base-class for support-based iterator
Gecode::Int::Linear::SupportSetSet for support information
Gecode::Int::Linear::Term< View >Class for describing linear term $a\cdot x$
Gecode::Int::Linear::TermLess< View >Sort linear terms by view
Gecode::Int::MinusViewMinus integer view
Gecode::Int::NegBoolViewNegated Boolean view
Gecode::Int::NotZeroOneException: Not 0/1 integer
Gecode::Int::OffsetViewOffset integer view
Gecode::Int::OutOfLimitsException: Value out of limits
Gecode::Int::Rel::EqBnd< View0, View1 >Binary bounds consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::EqDom< View0, View1 >Binary domain consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::Le< View >Less propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::Lex< View >Lexical ordering propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::Lq< View >Less or equal propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::NaryEqBnd< View >N-ary bounds consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::NaryEqDom< View >N-ary domain consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::Nq< View >Binary disequality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqBnd< View, CtrlView >Reified binary bounds consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqBndInt< View, CtrlView >Reified bounds consistent equality with integer propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqDom< View, CtrlView >Reified binary domain consistent equality propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqDomInt< View, CtrlView >Reified domain consistent equality with integer propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReLq< View, CtrlView >Reified less or equal propagator
Gecode::Int::Rel::ReLqInt< View, CtrlView >Reified less or equal with integer propagator
Gecode::Int::ScaleView< Val, UnsVal >Scale integer view (template)
Gecode::Int::Sorted::OfflineMinOffline-Min datastructure Used to compute the perfect matching between the unsorted views x and the sorted views y
Gecode::Int::Sorted::OfflineMinItemItem used to construct the OfflineMin sequence
Gecode::Int::Sorted::RankStorage class for mininmum and maximum of a variable
Gecode::Int::Sorted::SccComponentRepresentation of a strongly connected component
Gecode::Int::Sorted::Sorted< View, Perm >Bounds consistent sortedness propagator
Gecode::Int::Sorted::TupleMaxInc< View >Index comparison for ViewArray<Tuple>
Gecode::Int::Sorted::TupleMaxIncExt< View >Extended Index comparison for ViewArray<Tuple>
Gecode::Int::Sorted::TupleMinInc< View >View comparison on ViewTuples
Gecode::Int::Sorted::TupleMinIncExt< View >
Gecode::Int::Sorted::ViewPair< View >Extended View comparison on ViewTuples
Gecode::Int::SupportValues< View >Support value iterator and recorder
Gecode::Int::TooFewArgumentsException: Too few arguments available in argument array
Gecode::Int::UnknownBoolOpException: Unknown Boolean operation passed as argument
Gecode::Int::UnknownBranchingException: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument
Gecode::Int::UnknownRelationException: Unknown relation passed as argument
Gecode::Int::Unshare::VarPtrLess< Var >Sort order for variables
Gecode::Int::ValOfUnassignedVarException: Attempt to access value of unassigned variable
Gecode::Int::VariableEmptyDomainException: Variable created with empty domain
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< View >Range iterator for integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< BoolView >Range iterator for Boolean variable views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< ConstIntView >Range iterator for constant integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< DoubleScaleView >Range iterator for double-precision scale integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< GCC::CardView >Range iterator for indexed problem variables
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< IntScaleView >Range iterator for integer-precision scale integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< IntView >Range iterator for integer variable views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< MinusView >Range iterator for minus integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< NegBoolView >Range iterator for negated Boolean variable views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< OffsetView >Range iterator for offset integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewRanges< ZeroIntView >Range iterator for constant integer views
Gecode::Int::ViewValues< View >Value iterator for integer views
Gecode::Int::ZeroIntViewZero integer view
Gecode::IntSetInteger sets
Gecode::IntSet::MinIncSort ranges according to increasing minimum
Gecode::IntSetPropagator< View, pcs, pci >Set/Int connection propagator
Gecode::IntSetRangesRange iterator for integer sets
Gecode::IntSetValuesValue iterator for integer sets
Gecode::IntVarInteger variables
Gecode::IntVarArrayInteger variable array
Gecode::IntVarRangesRange iterator for integer variables
Gecode::IntVarValuesValue iterator for integer variables
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::AddRange< I >Range iterator for adding a single range to a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Append< I, J >Range iterator for appending two range iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ArrayRange iterator for array of ranges
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Array::RangeRanges for array
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Cache< I >Range iterator cache
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Cache< I >::RangeRanges stored in cache
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Compl< UMIN, UMAX, I >Range iterator for computing the complement (described by template arguments)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ComplVal< I >Range iterator for computing the complement (described by values)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Diff< I, J >Range iterator for computing set difference
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::EmptyRange iterator for empty range
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Inter< I, J >Range iterator for computing intersection (binary)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Map< I, M, strict >Range iterator for mapping ranges
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Map< I, M, false >Specialized mapping of ranges for non-strict maps
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Map< I, M, true >Specialized mapping of ranges for strict maps
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::MinMaxBase for range iterators with explicit min and max
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Minus< I >Range iterator for pointwise minus of a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::NaryAppend< I >Range iterator for appending arbitrarily many iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::NaryInter< I >Range iterator for intersection for any number of iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::NaryUnion< I >Range iterator for union for any number of iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::NaryUnion< I >::RangeUnionOrderOrder for iterators: by increasing minimum of next range
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Negative< I, strict >Range iterator for negative part of a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Offset< I >Range iterator for pointwise offset (by some constant)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Positive< I, strict >Range iterator for positive part of a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ScaleDown< I >Range iterator for pointwise division by a positive integer
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ScaleUp< Val, UnsVal, I >Range iterator for pointwise product with a positive integer
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::SingletonRange iterator for singleton range
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::SingletonAppend< J >Range iterator for appending a singleton with a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Size< I >Range iterator with size counting
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::SubRange< I >Range iterator for subtracting a single range from a range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ToValues< I >Value iterator from range iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Union< I, J >Range iterator for computing union (binary)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::ValCache< I >Range iterator cache
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::Compl< UMIN, UMAX >Range iterator for computing the complement (described by template arguments)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::ComplValRange iterator for computing the complement (described by values)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::InterRange iterator for computing intersection (binary)
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::IteratorAbstract base class for range iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::NaryInterRange iterator for intersection for any number of iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::NaryUnionRange iterator for union for any number of iterators
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::NaryUnion::RangeUnionOrderOrder for iterators: by increasing minimum of next range
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::RangesTemplate< I >Adaptor class to virtualize any iterator
Gecode::Iter::Ranges::Virt::UnionRange iterator for computing union (binary)
Gecode::Iter::Values::ArrayValue iterator for array of integers
Gecode::Iter::Values::Inter< I, J >Value iterator for the intersection of two value iterators
Gecode::Iter::Values::Map< I, M, strict >Value iterator for mapping values of a value iterator
Gecode::Iter::Values::Minus< I >Value iterator for pointwise minus of a value iterator
Gecode::Iter::Values::Negative< I, strict >Value iterator for selecting only negative values
Gecode::Iter::Values::Offset< I >Value iterator for pointwise offset (by some constant)
Gecode::Iter::Values::Positive< I, strict >Value iterator for selecting only positive values
Gecode::Iter::Values::SingletonValue iterator for single value
Gecode::Iter::Values::ToRanges< I >Range iterator from value iterator
Gecode::Iter::Values::Union< I, J >Value iterator for the union of two value iterators
Gecode::Iter::Values::Unique< I >Remove duplicate values from from value iterator
Gecode::LDS< T >Limited discrepancy search engine
Gecode::Memory::AutoArray< T >Helper class for large automatic memory chunks
Gecode::MemoryExhaustedException: Memory exhausted
Gecode::MemoryManagerManage memory for space
Gecode::MiniModel::ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument out of range
Gecode::MiniModel::ArgumentSizeMismatchException: Sizes of arguments does not match
Gecode::MiniModel::BoolExprBoolean expressions
Gecode::MiniModel::BoolExpr::NodeNode for Boolean expression
Gecode::MiniModel::BoolRelBoolean relations
Gecode::MiniModel::FinalBagFor collecting final states while constructing a DFA
Gecode::MiniModel::LinExpr< Var >Linear expressions
Gecode::MiniModel::LinRel< Var >Linear relations
Gecode::MiniModel::Matrix< A >Matrix-interface for arrays
Gecode::MiniModel::Matrix< A >::SliceA slice of a matrix
Gecode::MiniModel::NodeInfoNode information computed during traversal of the expressions
Gecode::MiniModel::PosInfoInformation on positions collected during traversal
Gecode::MiniModel::PosSetSets of positions
Gecode::MiniModel::StateNodeNode together with state information
Gecode::MiniModel::StatePoolState pool combines a tree of states together with yet unprocessed states
Gecode::MiniModel::SymbolsIncSort symbols
Gecode::MiniModel::TooFewArgumentsException: Too few arguments available in argument array
Gecode::MiniModel::TransitionBagFor collecting transitions while constructing a DFA
Gecode::MixBinaryPropagator< View0, pc0, View1, pc1 >Mixed binary propagator
Gecode::MixNaryOnePropagator< View0, pc0, View1, pc1 >Mixed (n+1)-ary propagator
Gecode::MixTernaryPropagator< View0, pc0, View1, pc1, View2, pc2 >Mixed ternary propagator
Gecode::NaryOnePropagator< View, pc >(n+1)-ary propagator
Gecode::NaryPropagator< View, pc >N-ary propagator
Gecode::NoIdxVarImpConfConfiguration class for variable implementations without index structure
Gecode::PosValDesc< Val, alt >Branching descriptions storing position and value
Gecode::PrimArgArray< T >Argument array for primtive types
Gecode::ProjectorFinite set projector specification
Gecode::ProjectorCompilerCompiler from projector specifications to C++
Gecode::ProjectorCompiler::IndentIndentation helper class
Gecode::ProjectorPropagatorSpecSpecification for a C++ finite set propagator
Gecode::ProjectorSetGroup of finite set projector specifications
Gecode::PropagatorBase-class for propagators
Gecode::ReBinaryPropagator< View, pc, CtrlView >Reified binary propagator
Gecode::Reflection::ActorRegistrar< P >Class used for registering actors
Gecode::Reflection::ActorSpecActor specification
Gecode::Reflection::ActorSpec::ArgumentsImplementation of an ActorSpec, holding all information about an actor
Gecode::Reflection::ActorSpecIterIterating actor specifications
Gecode::Reflection::ArgArguments for actor and variable specifications
Gecode::Reflection::ArrayArgArray arguments
Gecode::Reflection::BranchingSpecBranching specification
Gecode::Reflection::BranchingSpec::ArgumentsImplementation of a BranchingSpec
Gecode::Reflection::IntArrayArgInteger array arguments
Gecode::Reflection::IntArrayArgRangesIterate over an IntArrayArg, interpreting consecutive pairs of integers as ranges
Gecode::Reflection::NoReflectionDefinedExceptionException: no reflection defined
Gecode::Reflection::ReflectionExceptionException for errors during reflection
Gecode::Reflection::RegistryRegistry of constraint posting and variable creation functions
Gecode::Reflection::Registry::RegistryObjectThe actual registry, holding SymbolMap objects
Gecode::Reflection::TypeOf< View >String representation for View types, used for name mangling
Gecode::Reflection::TypeOf< bool >String representation for bool, used for name mangling
Gecode::Reflection::TypeOf< const IntSet >String representation for IntSets, used for name mangling
Gecode::Reflection::TypeOf< double >String representation for doubles, used for name mangling
Gecode::Reflection::TypeOf< int >String representation for ints, used for name mangling
Gecode::Reflection::UnreflectorUnreflection from VarSpec and ActorSpec

An Unreflector allows you to install variables and propagators in a Space using variable and actor specifications

Gecode::Reflection::VarGeneric variables
Gecode::Reflection::VarImpRegistrar< V >Class used for registering variable implementations
Gecode::Reflection::VarMapMapping Gecode variable implementations to variable specifications
Gecode::Reflection::VarMap::VarMapObjImplementation of a VarMap
Gecode::Reflection::VarMapIterIterating a variable map
Gecode::Reflection::VarSpecVariable specification
Gecode::Reflection::VarSpec::DomainImplementation of a VarSpec, holding all information about a variable
Gecode::REGRegular expressions over integer values
Gecode::REG::ExpImplementation of the actual expression tree
Gecode::Restart< T >Depth-first restart best solution search engine
Gecode::ReUnaryPropagator< View, pc, CtrlView >Reified unary propagator
Gecode::Search::BABDepth-first branch-and-bound search engine
Gecode::Search::BabEngineImplementation of depth-first branch-and-bound search engines
Gecode::Search::DFSDepth-first search engine
Gecode::Search::DfsEngineDepth-first search engine implementation
Gecode::Search::EngineCtrlSearch engine control including memory information
Gecode::Search::FailStopStop-object based on number of failures
Gecode::Search::LDSLimited discrepancy search engine
Gecode::Search::MemoryStopStop-object based on memory consumption
Gecode::Search::OptionsSearch engine options
Gecode::Search::ProbeEngineProbing engine for LDS
Gecode::Search::ProbeEngine::ProbeNodeNode in the search tree for LDS
Gecode::Search::ReCoNodeSearch tree node for recomputation
Gecode::Search::ReCoStackStack of nodes supporting recomputation
Gecode::Search::StatisticsSearch engine statistics
Gecode::Search::StopBase-class for Stop-object
Gecode::Search::TimeStopStop-object based on time
Gecode::Serialization::GJSSpaceWrapper class to export a Space to JavaScript
Gecode::Set::ArgumentEmptyException: No arguments available in argument array
Gecode::Set::ArgumentSizeMismatchException: Arguments are of different size
Gecode::Set::ArrayRangesRange iterator for a two-dimensional array
Gecode::Set::BndSetSets of integers
Gecode::Set::BndSetRangesRange iterator for integer sets
Gecode::Set::Branch::ByMaxCardView selection class for view with greatest cardinality of lub-glb
Gecode::Set::Branch::ByMaxUnknownView selection class for view with greatest element in lub-glb
Gecode::Set::Branch::ByMinCardView selection class for view with smallest cardinality of lub-glb
Gecode::Set::Branch::ByMinUnknownView selection class for view with smallest element in lub-glb
Gecode::Set::Branch::ByNoneView selection class for first view
Gecode::Set::Branch::ValMaxClass for selecting maximum value
Gecode::Set::Branch::ValMinClass for selecting minimum value
Gecode::Set::ComplementView< View >Complement set view
Gecode::Set::ConstantViewConstant view
Gecode::Set::Convex::ConvexPropagator for the convex constraint
Gecode::Set::Convex::ConvexHullPropagator for the convex hull constraint
Gecode::Set::Distinct::AtmostOnePropagator for the AtMostOneIntersection constraint
Gecode::Set::Element::ElementDisjointPropagator for element with disjointness
Gecode::Set::Element::ElementIntersection< SView, RView >Propagator for element with intersection
Gecode::Set::Element::ElementUnion< SView, RView >Propagator for element with union
Gecode::Set::Element::ElementUnionConst< SView, RView >Propagator for element with union of constant sets
Gecode::Set::Element::IdxView< View >Pairs of an index and a variable
Gecode::Set::Element::IdxViewArray< View >An array of IndexView pairs
Gecode::Set::EmptyViewConstant view for the empty set
Gecode::Set::GLBndSetGrowing sets of integers
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< T >Range iterator for the greatest lower bound
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< ComplementView< ComplementView< View > > >Range iterator for the greatest lower bound of double-complement-views
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< ComplementView< View > >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of complement set views
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< ConstantView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of constant set view
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetVarImp * >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of CpltSet variable implementation
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of CpltSet view
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< EmptyView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of constantly empty set view
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< OffsetSetView< View > >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of offset set views
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< SetVarImp * >Range iterator for the greatest lower bound of a set variable implementation
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< SetView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of set variable views
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< SingletonView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of singleton set view
Gecode::Set::GlbRanges< UniverseView >Range iterator for greatest lower bound of constant universe set view
Gecode::Set::Int::Card< View >Propagator for cardinality
Gecode::Set::Int::ChannelBool< View >Propagator for channelling between set variable and its characteristic function
Gecode::Set::Int::ChannelBool< View >::IndexAdvisorAdvisor storing a single index
Gecode::Set::Int::ChannelInt< View >Propagator for channelling between variable-value-dual models
Gecode::Set::Int::IntLtSort order for integers
Gecode::Set::Int::Match< View >Propagator for the match constraint
Gecode::Set::Int::MaxElement< View >Propator for maximum element
Gecode::Set::Int::MinElement< View >Propator for minimum element
Gecode::Set::Int::OverweightValues< I >Value Iterator for values above a certain weight
Gecode::Set::Int::Weights< View >Propagator for weight of a set
Gecode::Set::InvalidProjectorException: Invalid projector passed as argument
Gecode::Set::InvalidRelationException: Invalid relation passed as argument
Gecode::Set::LUBndSetShrinking sets of integers
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< T >Range iterator for the least upper bound
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< ComplementView< ComplementView< View > > >Range iterator for the least upper bound of double-complement-views
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< ComplementView< View > >Range iterator for least upper bound of complement set views
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< ConstantView >Range iterator for least upper bound of constant set view
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetVarImp * >Range iterator for least upper bound of CpltSet variable implementation
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetView >Range iterator for least upper bound of CpltSet view
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< EmptyView >Range iterator for least upper bound of constantly empty set view
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< OffsetSetView< View > >Range iterator for least upper bound of offset set views
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< SetVarImp * >Range iterator for the least upper bound of a set variable implementation
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< SetView >Range iterator for least upper bound of set variable views
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< SingletonView >Range iterator for least upper bound of singleton set view
Gecode::Set::LubRanges< UniverseView >Range iterator for least upper bound of constant universe set view
Gecode::Set::OffsetSetView< View >Offset set view
Gecode::Set::OutOfLimitsException: Value out of limits
Gecode::Set::Projection::CardProjectionNary cardinality projection propagator
Gecode::Set::Projection::NaryProjection< negated >Nary projection propagator
Gecode::Set::Projection::ReNaryProjectionReified Nary projection propagator
Gecode::Set::RangeListLists of ranges (intervals)
Gecode::Set::RangesCompl< I >A complement iterator spezialized for the BndSet limits
Gecode::Set::Rel::Distinct< View0, View1 >Propagator for negated equality
Gecode::Set::Rel::DistinctDoit< View0 >Propagator for negated equality
Gecode::Set::Rel::Eq< View0, View1 >Propagator for set equality
Gecode::Set::Rel::NoSubSet< View0, View1 >Propagator for the negated subset constraint
Gecode::Set::Rel::ReEq< View0, View1 >Reified equality propagator
Gecode::Set::Rel::ReSubset< View0, View1 >Reified subset propagator
Gecode::Set::Rel::SubSet< View0, View1 >Propagator for the subset constraint
Gecode::Set::RelOp::Intersection< View0, View1, View2 >Propagator for ternary intersection
Gecode::Set::RelOp::IntersectionN< View0, View1 >Propagator for nary intersection
Gecode::Set::RelOp::PartitionN< View0, View1 >Propagator for nary partition
Gecode::Set::RelOp::SubOfUnion< View0, View1, View2 >Propagator for the subset of union
Gecode::Set::RelOp::SuperOfInter< View0, View1, View2 >Propagator for the superset of intersection
Gecode::Set::RelOp::Union< View0, View1, View2 >Propagator for ternary union
Gecode::Set::RelOp::UnionN< View0, View1 >Propagator for nary union
Gecode::Set::Sequence::SeqPropagator for the sequence constraint
Gecode::Set::Sequence::SeqUPropagator for the sequenced union constraint
Gecode::Set::SetDeltaFinite set delta information for advisors
Gecode::Set::SetVarImpFinite integer set variable implementation
Gecode::Set::SetVarImpConfDummy configuration for Set-variable implementations
Gecode::Set::SetViewSet view for set variables
Gecode::Set::SingletonViewSingleton set view
Gecode::Set::UniverseViewConstant view for the universe
Gecode::Set::UnknownBranchingException: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument
Gecode::Set::UnknownRanges< T >Range iterator for the unknown set
Gecode::Set::UnknownRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetVarImp * >Range iterator for the unknown set of CpltSet variable implementation
Gecode::Set::UnknownRanges< CpltSet::CpltSetView >Range iterator for the unknown set of CpltSet view
Gecode::Set::VariableEmptyDomainException: Variable created with empty domain
Gecode::SetExprSet-valued expressions for finite set projectors
Gecode::SetExpr::NodeNodes used to construct set expressions
Gecode::SetExprCodeCode representing set-valued expressions for finite set projectors
Gecode::SetExprCode::StreamTo incrementally build up the instructions
Gecode::SetExprRangesRange iterator for set expressions
Gecode::SetExprRanges::IterReference-counted range iterators with virtual member functions
Gecode::SetVarSet variables
Gecode::SetVarArraySet variable array
Gecode::SetVarGlbRangesIterator for the greatest lower bound ranges of a set variable
Gecode::SetVarGlbValuesIterator for the values in the greatest lower bound of a set variable
Gecode::SetVarLubRangesIterator for the least upper bound ranges of a set variable
Gecode::SetVarLubValuesIterator for the values in the least upper bound of a set variable
Gecode::SetVarUnknownRangesIterator for the unknown ranges of a set variable
Gecode::SetVarUnknownValuesIterator for the values in the unknown set of a set variable
Gecode::SharedArray< T >Shared array with arbitrary number of elements
Gecode::SharedArray< T >::SAOImplementation of object for shared arrays
Gecode::SharedArraySerialization< T >Serialization helper for SharedArray objects
Gecode::SharedArraySerialization< int >Serialization helper for SharedArray<int> objects
Gecode::SharedHandleThe shared handle
Gecode::SharedHandle::ObjectThe shared object
Gecode::SpaceComputation spaces
Gecode::SpaceFailedException: Operation on failed space invoked
Gecode::SpaceIllegalAlternativeException: Commit with illegal alternative
Gecode::SpaceNoBranchingException: Commit when no branching present
Gecode::SpaceNotStableException: Operation on not stable space invoked
Gecode::Support::BlockAllocator< T, blocksize >Manage memory organized into block lists (allocator)
Gecode::Support::BlockClient< T, blocksize >Client for block allocator of type T
Gecode::Support::DynamicArray< T >Array with arbitrary number of elements
Gecode::Support::DynamicStack< T >Stack with arbitrary number of elements
Gecode::Support::LinearCongruentialGenerator< m, a, q, r >Template for linear congruential generators
Gecode::Support::Map< Key, Value >Hash map
Gecode::Support::Pointer< P >Pointer wrapper class to make pointers hashable
Gecode::Support::PQueue< T, Less >Simple fixed-size priority queue
Gecode::Support::PtrMap< P, Value >Hash table for pointers
Gecode::Support::QuickSortStack< Type >Static stack for quicksort
Gecode::Support::SentinelStack< T >A simple stack that uses a sentinel element
Gecode::Support::StaticStack< T >Stack with fixed number of elements
Gecode::Support::SymbolImmutable Symbols
Gecode::Support::SymbolMap< Value >Hash table for strings
Gecode::TernaryPropagator< View, pc >Ternary propagator
Gecode::TupleSetData stored for a Table
Gecode::UnaryPropagator< View, pc >Unary propagator
Gecode::VarArgArray< Var >Argument array for variables
Gecode::VarArgArray< Var >::VarLessSort order for variables
Gecode::VarArray< Var >Variable arrays
Gecode::VarBase< VarImp >Base-class for variables
Gecode::VarDisposer< VarType >Variable type disposer
Gecode::VarDisposerBaseBase class for Variable type disposer
Gecode::VarImp< VIC >Base-class for variable implementations
Gecode::VarImpBaseBase-class for variable implementations
Gecode::VarImpVarTraits< VarImp >Traits class for mapping variable implementations to variables
Gecode::VarImpVarTraits< CpltSet::CpltSetVarImp >Traits class for variable implementations and variables
Gecode::VarImpVarTraits< Int::BoolVarImp >Traits class for variable implementations and variables
Gecode::VarImpVarTraits< Int::IntVarImp >Traits class for variable implementations and variables
Gecode::VarImpVarTraits< Set::SetVarImp >Traits class for variable implementations and variables
Gecode::VarViewBase< VarImp >Base-class for variable views
Gecode::VarViewTraits< Var >Traits class for mapping variables to views
Gecode::VarViewTraits< BoolVar >Traits class mapping variables to views
Gecode::VarViewTraits< IntVar >Traits class mapping variables to views
Gecode::VarViewTraits< SetVar >Traits class mapping variables to views
Gecode::ViewAdvisor< View >Advisor storing a single view
Gecode::ViewArray< View >View arrays
Gecode::ViewArray< Int::Linear::NoView >View array for no view (empty)
Gecode::ViewValAssignment< View, Val, ValSel >Generic assignment
Gecode::ViewValBranching< View, Val, ViewSel, ValSel >Generic branching
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< View >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< CpltSet::CpltSetView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::BoolView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::ConstIntView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::IntView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::MinusView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::NegBoolView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::OffsetView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Int::ZeroIntView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::ComplementView< View > >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::ConstantView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::EmptyView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::OffsetSetView< View > >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::SetView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::SingletonView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
Gecode::ViewVarImpTraits< Set::UniverseView >Traits class for views and variable implementations
GolfExample: Golf tournament
GolombRulerExample: Finding optimal Golomb rulers
GraphGraph specification
GraphColorExample: Clique-based graph coloring
GraphColorSpecGraph specification
GroceryExample: Grocery puzzle
HammingExample: Generating hamming codes
IndSetExample: Independent Sets in a Graph
JavaScriptExample: Gecode/JavaScript interpreter
KakuroExample: Kakuro
KnightsBase-class for Knights tour example
KnightsCircuitExample: n-Knights tour (Model using Circuit)
KnightsReifiedExample: n-Knights tour (Simple Model)
LangfordNumberExample: Langford's number problem
LangfordNumberOptionsOptions taking two additional parameters
MagicSequenceExample: Magic sequence
MagicSquareExample: Magic squares
MineSweeperExample: Minesweeper
MoneyExample: SEND+MORE=MONEY puzzle
NonogramExample: Nonogram
OptionsOptions for examples
OrthoLatinSquareExample: Orthogonal latin squares
PartitionExample: partition numbers into two groups
PentominoesExample: Pentominoes
PerfectSquareExample: packing squares into a rectangle
PhotoExample: Placing people on a photo
PhotoSpecSpecifications for the Photo example
PlayEntry in round robin schedule
QueenArmiesExample: Peaceable co-existing armies of queens
QueenArmies::QueenBranchCustom branching for Peacaeble queens
QueensExample: n-Queens puzzle
RRSRound robin schedule
SizeOptionsOptions for examples with additional size parameter
SportsLeagueExample: Sports League Scheduling
SteinerExample: Steiner triples
StressDistinctExample: Stress distinct propagator
StressDomainExample: Domain stress test
StressElementExample: Stress test for element constraint (involving integers)
StressExecExample: Execution stress test
StressExtensionalExample: Stress extensional propagator
StressLinearBoolExample: Stress linear Boolean inequality
StressMinExample: Stress test for the minimum constraint
StressSearchExample: Search stress test
StringOptionString-valued option
StringOption::ValueOption value
SudokuBase class for Sudoku puzzles
SudokuCpltSetExample: Solving Sudoku puzzles using CpltSet constraints
SudokuIntExample: Solving Sudoku puzzles using integer constraints
SudokuMixedExample: Solving Sudoku puzzles using both set and integer constraints
SudokuSetExample: Solving Sudoku puzzles using set constraints
Test::Assign::BoolTest branching with distinct propagator
Test::Assign::BoolTestBase class for tests for branching on Boolean variables
Test::Assign::BoolTestSpaceSpace for executing Boolean tests
Test::Assign::IntTest assignment with distinct propagator
Test::Assign::IntTestBase class for tests for assigning integer variables
Test::Assign::IntTestSpaceSpace for executing integer tests
Test::BaseBase class for all tests to be run
Test::Branch::BoolTest branching with distinct propagator
Test::Branch::BoolTestBase class for tests for branching on Boolean variables
Test::Branch::BoolTestSpaceSpace for executing Boolean tests
Test::Branch::CpltSetTest branching
Test::Branch::CpltSetTestBase class for tests for branching on CpltSet variables
Test::Branch::CpltSetTestSpaceSpace for executing Boolean tests
Test::Branch::IntTest branching with distinct propagator
Test::Branch::IntTestBase class for tests for branching on integer variables
Test::Branch::IntTestSpaceSpace for executing integer tests
Test::Branch::RunInfoInformation about one test-run
Test::Branch::SetTest branching
Test::Branch::SetTestBase class for tests for branching on set variables
Test::Branch::SetTestSpaceSpace for executing Boolean tests
Test::CpltSet::AtMost::CpltSetAtmostTest for atmost intersection constraint
Test::CpltSet::AtMost::CpltSetAtmostIntSetTest for atmost intersection with IntSet constraint
Test::CpltSet::AtMost::CpltSetAtmostLexLeTest for atmost intersection with lexicographic order constraint
Test::CpltSet::Cardinality::CpltSetCardEqTest for simple cardinality constraint
Test::CpltSet::Cardinality::CpltSetCardMinInfTest for simple cardinality range constraint
Test::CpltSet::Cardinality::CpltSetCardMinMaxTest for simple cardinality range constraint
Test::CpltSet::CpltSetTestBase class for tests with CpltSet constraints
Test::CpltSet::CpltSetTestSpaceSpace for executing CpltSet tests
Test::CpltSet::Dom::CpltSetDomEqDomTest for domain equality with full domain constraint
Test::CpltSet::Dom::CpltSetDomEqRangeTest for domain equality with range constraint
Test::CpltSet::Dom::CpltSetDomSupDomTest for domain superset with full domain constraint
Test::CpltSet::Dom::CpltSetDomSupRangeTest for domain superset with range constraint
Test::CpltSet::Partition::CpltSetPartitionTest for partition constraint
Test::CpltSet::Partition::CpltSetPartitionLexTest for partition with lexicographic order constraint
Test::CpltSet::Partition::CpltSetPartitionNaryOneTest for partition with result constraint
Test::CpltSet::Partition::CpltSetPartitionNaryOneBiggerTest for bigger instance of partition constraint
Test::CpltSet::Rel::CpltSetRelDisjTest for disjoint constraint
Test::CpltSet::Rel::CpltSetRelLeTest for lexicographic less relation constraint
Test::CpltSet::Rel::CpltSetRelLeDiffTest for lexicographic less diff constraint
Test::CpltSet::Rel::CpltSetRelLqTest for lexicographic less-or-equal relation constraint
Test::CpltSet::Selection::CpltSetSelectNonEmptySubTest for selected non-empty subset constraint
Test::CpltSet::Selection::CpltSetSelectUnionTest for selected union constraint
Test::indSimple class for describing identation
Test::Int::Arithmetic::AbsXXTest for absolute value constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::AbsXYTest for absolute value constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::DivTest for division constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::DivModTest for division/modulo constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxNaryTest for n-ary maximum constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxNarySharedTest for n-ary maximum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxXXXTest for binary maximum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxXXYTest for binary maximum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxXYXTest for binary maximum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxXYYTest for binary maximum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MaxXYZTest for binary maximum constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinNaryTest for n-ary minimmum constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinNarySharedTest for n-ary minimmum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinXXXTest for binary minimum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinXXYTest for binary minimum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinXYXTest for binary minimum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinXYYTest for binary minimum constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MinXYZTest for binary minimum constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::ModTest for modulo constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MultXXXTest for multiplication constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MultXXYTest for multiplication constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MultXYXTest for multiplication constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MultXYYTest for multiplication constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::MultXYZTest for multiplication constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtXXTest for square root constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtXYTest for square root constraint
Test::Int::Arithmetic::SqrXXTest for squaring constraint with shared variables
Test::Int::Arithmetic::SqrXYTest for squaring constraint
Test::Int::AssignmentBase class for assignments
Test::Int::Basic::BasicTest whether testing infrastructure for integer variables works
Test::Int::Bool::BinConstXXTest for binary Boolean operation with shared variables and constant
Test::Int::Bool::BinConstXYTest for binary Boolean operation with constant
Test::Int::Bool::BinXXXTest for binary Boolean operation with shared variables
Test::Int::Bool::BinXXYTest for binary Boolean operation with shared variables
Test::Int::Bool::BinXYXTest for binary Boolean operation with shared variables
Test::Int::Bool::BinXYYTest for binary Boolean operation with shared variables
Test::Int::Bool::BinXYZTest for binary Boolean operation
Test::Int::Bool::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Bool::NaryTest for Nary Boolean operation
Test::Int::Bool::NaryConstTest for Nary Boolean operation with constant
Test::Int::Bool::NarySharedTest for Nary Boolean operation
Test::Int::BoolOpTypesIterator for Boolean operation types
Test::Int::Channel::ChannelFullSimple test for channel (testing all variables)
Test::Int::Channel::ChannelHalfSimple test for channel (testing single set of variables)
Test::Int::Channel::ChannelLinkMultiTest channel between integer variable and array of Boolean variables
Test::Int::Channel::ChannelLinkSingleTest channel between integer and Boolean variable
Test::Int::Channel::ChannelSharedTest channel with shared variables
Test::Int::Circuit::CircuitSimple test for circuit constraint
Test::Int::Circuit::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Count::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Count::IntArrayIntTest number of several equal integers equal to integer
Test::Int::Count::IntArrayVarTest number of several equal integers equal to integer variable
Test::Int::Count::IntIntTest number of equal integers equal to integer
Test::Int::Count::IntIntDupTest number of equal integers equal to integer with duplicate variables
Test::Int::Count::IntVarTest number of equal integers equal to integer variable
Test::Int::Count::IntVarSharedTest number of equal integers equal to integer variable with sharing
Test::Int::Count::VarIntTest number of equal variables equal to integer
Test::Int::Count::VarVarTest number of equal variables equal to integer variable
Test::Int::Count::VarVarSharedATest number of equal variables equal to integer variable with sharing
Test::Int::Count::VarVarSharedBTest number of equal variables equal to integer variable with sharing
Test::Int::Count::VarVarSharedCTest number of equal variables equal to integer variable with sharing
Test::Int::CpltAssignmentGenerate all assignments
Test::Int::Distinct::Distinct< useCount >Simple test for distinct constraint
Test::Int::Distinct::OffsetSimple test for distinct constraint with offsets
Test::Int::Distinct::PathologicalTesting pathological cases
Test::Int::Distinct::Pathological::TestSpaceTest space
Test::Int::Distinct::RandomRandomized test for distinct constraint
Test::Int::Dom::DomDomTest for domain constraint (full integer set)
Test::Int::Dom::DomRangeTest for domain constraint (range)
Test::Int::Element::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Element::IntBoolIntTest for element with integer array and integer and Boolean variable
Test::Int::Element::IntBoolVarTest for element with integer array and integer and Boolean variable
Test::Int::Element::IntIntIntTest for element with integer array and integer variables
Test::Int::Element::IntIntSharedTest for element with integer array and single shared integer variable
Test::Int::Element::IntIntVarTest for element with integer array and integer variables
Test::Int::Element::VarBoolIntTest for element with Boolean variable array and integer variable
Test::Int::Element::VarBoolVarTest for element with Boolean variable array and integer variable
Test::Int::Element::VarIntIntTest for element with variable array and integer variables
Test::Int::Element::VarIntSharedTest for element with variable array and shared integer variable
Test::Int::Element::VarIntVarTest for element with variable array and integer variables
Test::Int::Extensional::RegDistinctTest with regular expression for distinct constraint
Test::Int::Extensional::RegEmptyDFATest for empty DFA
Test::Int::Extensional::RegEmptyREGTest for empty regular expression
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSharedATest with simple regular expression and shared variables (uses unsharing)
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSharedBTest with simple regular expression and shared variables (uses unsharing)
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSharedCTest with simple regular expression and shared variables (uses unsharing)
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSharedDTest with simple regular expression and shared variables (uses unsharing)
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSimpleATest with simple regular expression
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSimpleBTest with simple regular expression
Test::Int::Extensional::RegSimpleCTest with simple regular expression
Test::Int::Extensional::TupleSetATest with tuple set
Test::Int::Extensional::TupleSetBTest with tuple set
Test::Int::Extensional::TupleSetBoolTest with bool tuple set
Test::Int::GCC::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::GCC::IntAllMaxTest for integer cardinality with max cardinality for all variables
Test::Int::GCC::IntAllMinMaxTest for integer cardinality with min and max for all variables
Test::Int::GCC::IntAllMinMaxDefTest for integer cardinality with min and max for all variables
Test::Int::GCC::IntSome< hole >Test for integer cardinality for some variables
Test::Int::GCC::VarAllTest for variable cardinality for all cardinality values
Test::Int::GCC::VarSomeTest for variable cardinality for some cardinality values
Test::Int::IntConLevelsIterator for integer consistency levels
Test::Int::IntRelTypesIterator for integer relation types
Test::Int::Linear::BoolIntTest linear relation over Boolean variables equal to constant
Test::Int::Linear::BoolVarTest linear relation over Boolean variables equal to integer variable
Test::Int::Linear::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Linear::IntIntTest linear relation over integer variables
Test::Int::Linear::IntVarTest linear relation over integer variables
Test::Int::MiniModel::BoolLexTest for relation between arrays of Boolean variables
Test::Int::MiniModel::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::MiniModel::IntLexTest for relation between arrays of integer variables
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::AbsTest for absolute value constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MaxTest for binary maximum constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MaxNaryTest for n-ary maximum constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MinTest for binary minimum constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MinNaryTest for n-ary minimmum constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MinusTest for subtraction constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::MultTest for multiplication constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::PlusTest for addition constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::SqrTest for sqr constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic::SqrtTest for sqrt constraint
Test::Int::MiniModelBoolean::BoolExprIntTest Boolean expressions with integer result
Test::Int::MiniModelBoolean::BoolExprVarTest posting Boolean expressions
Test::Int::MiniModelBoolean::BoolInstrType for representing a Boolean instruction
Test::Int::MiniModelBoolean::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::IntArrayIntTest number of several equal integers equal to integer
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::IntArrayVarTest number of several equal integers equal to integer variable
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::IntIntTest number of equal integers equal to integer
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::IntVarTest number of equal integers equal to integer variable
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::VarIntTest number of equal variables equal to integer
Test::Int::MiniModelCount::VarVarTest number of equal variables equal to integer variable
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::LinExprBoolTest linear expressions over Boolean variables
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::LinExprIntTest linear expressions over integer variables
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::LinInstrType for representing a linear instruction
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::LinRelBoolTest linear relations over Boolean variables
Test::Int::MiniModelLin::LinRelIntTest linear relations over integer variables
Test::Int::RandomAssignmentGenerate random selection of assignments
Test::Int::Rel::BoolArrayTest for relation between arrays of Boolean variables
Test::Int::Rel::BoolIntTest for simple relation involving Boolean variable and integer constant
Test::Int::Rel::BoolPairwiseTest for pairwise relation between Boolean variables
Test::Int::Rel::BoolVarXXTest for simple relation involving shared Boolean variables
Test::Int::Rel::BoolVarXYTest for simple relation involving Boolean variables
Test::Int::Rel::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Int::Rel::IntArrayTest for relation between arrays of integer variables
Test::Int::Rel::IntIntTest for simple relation involving integer variable and integer constant
Test::Int::Rel::IntPairwiseTest for pairwise relation between integer variables
Test::Int::Rel::IntVarXXTest for simple relation involving shared integer variables
Test::Int::Rel::IntVarXYTest for simple relation involving integer variables
Test::Int::Scheduling::AboveDescribe that event is above a certain limit
Test::Int::Scheduling::AssScript for generating assignments
Test::Int::Scheduling::BelowDescribe that event is below a certain limit
Test::Int::Scheduling::CumulativeAssignmentClass for generating reasonable assignments
Test::Int::Scheduling::CumulativesTest for cumulatives constraint
Test::Int::Scheduling::EventEvent to be scheduled
Test::Int::Sorted::NoVarTest sorted without permutation variables
Test::Int::Sorted::PermVarTest sorted with permutation variables
Test::Int::Sorted::SortIntMinRelation for sorting integers in increasing order
Test::Int::TestBase class for tests with integer constraints
Test::Int::TestSpaceSpace for executing tests
Test::Int::Unshare::BoolTest for unsharing Boolean variables
Test::Int::Unshare::IntTest for unsharing integer variables
Test::OptionsCommandline options
Test::PropKindsIterator for propagation kinds
Test::Search::Best< Model, Engine >Test for best solution search
Test::Search::BranchTypesIterator for branching types
Test::Search::ConstrainTypesIterator for constrain types
Test::Search::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Search::DFS< Model >Test for depth-first search
Test::Search::FailImmediateSpace that immediately fails
Test::Search::HasSolutionsSpace that requires propagation and has solutions
Test::Search::LDS< Model >Test for limited discrepancy search
Test::Search::NaryBranchingClass for nary branchings
Test::Search::PosValuesDescBranching description storing position and values
Test::Search::TestBase class for search tests
Test::Search::TestSpaceSpace with information
Test::Set::Convex::ConvexTest for convexity propagator
Test::Set::Convex::ConvexHullTest for convex hull propagator
Test::Set::Convex::ConvexHullSSharing test for convex hull propagator
Test::Set::CountableSetIterate all subsets of a given set
Test::Set::CountableSetRangesRange iterator producing subsets of an IntSet
Test::Set::CountableSetValuesValue iterator producing subsets of an IntSet
Test::Set::Distinct::AtmostOneTest for the atmostone propagator
Test::Set::Dom::CardRangeTest for cardinality range
Test::Set::Dom::DomDomTest for equality with a domain
Test::Set::Dom::DomIntTest for equality with an integer
Test::Set::Dom::DomIntRangeTest for equality with an integer range
Test::Set::Dom::DomRangeTest for equality with a range
Test::Set::Element::ElementDisjointTest for ElementDisjoint constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementInterTest for ElementInter constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementInterInTest for ElementInter constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementSetTest for ElementElement constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementSetConstTest for ElementUnion constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementUnionTest for ElementUnion constraint
Test::Set::Element::ElementUnionConstTest for ElementUnion constraint
Test::Set::Int::CardTest for cardinality constraint
Test::Set::Int::ChannelBoolTest for Boolean channel constraint
Test::Set::Int::ChannelIntTest for integer channel constraint
Test::Set::Int::ElemTest for element constraint
Test::Set::Int::IntRelTest for integer relation constraint
Test::Set::Int::MatchTest for match constraint
Test::Set::Int::MaxTest for maximal element constraint
Test::Set::Int::MinTest for minimal element constraint
Test::Set::Int::NoElemTest for negated element constraint
Test::Set::Int::RelTest for relation constraint
Test::Set::Int::WeightsTest for set weight constraint
Test::Set::Projection::NegRelUnionEqTest for negated ternary union constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelBinComplTest for binary complement constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelBinDisjTest for binary disjointness constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelBinEqTest for binary equality constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelBinNEqTest for binary disequality constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelBinSubTest for binary subset constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelInterEqCardTest for ternary intersection constraint with cardinality propagation
Test::Set::Projection::RelUnionEqTest for ternary union constraint
Test::Set::Projection::RelUnionEqFormulaTest for ternary union constraint, posted using a formula
Test::Set::Rel::RelBinTest for binary set relation constraint
Test::Set::RelOp::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Set::RelOp::CreateIntNHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Set::RelOp::CreateNHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Set::RelOp::RelTest for ternary relation constraint
Test::Set::RelOp::RelIntNTest for n-ary partition constraint
Test::Set::RelOp::RelNTest for n-ary partition constraint
Test::Set::RelOpConst::CreateHelp class to create and register tests
Test::Set::RelOpConst::RelISITest for set relation constraint with constants
Test::Set::RelOpConst::RelSISTest for set relation constraint with constants
Test::Set::RelOpConst::RelSSITest for set relation constraint with constants
Test::Set::Sequence::SeqUTest for sequential-union constraint
Test::Set::Sequence::SequenceTest for sequence constraint
Test::Set::SetAssignmentGenerate all set assignments
Test::Set::SetOpTypesIterator for Boolean operation types
Test::Set::SetRelTypesIterator for set relation types
Test::Set::SetTestBase class for tests with set constraints
Test::Set::SetTestSpaceSpace for executing set tests
TileSpecSpecification of one tile
TournamentTournament parameters
TSPExample: Travelling Salesman Problem
UnsignedIntOptionUnsigned integer option
WarehousesExample: Locating warehouses