[gecode-users] Bugs in Gecode/J

Malcolm Ryan malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au
Tue Apr 15 11:03:36 CEST 2008

On 15/04/2008, at 6:52 PM, Mikael Zayenz Lagerkvist wrote:
>> What determines the maximum heap size available to Gecode?
> The system limits (these can be inspected, for example, using ulimit
> on bash in Linux). Unless the system or the JVM restricts the amount
> of memory that can be allocated by native components,

'ulimit' responds with "unlimited" on my machine, so it would appear  
that the limit is being imposed by Java. Hmm.

If you're willing to try it out, all my code is available in a jar  
file at:


To run it do:

jar -xf aiide08.jar run1 Maps
chmod +x run1
./run1 7 8

The two numbers after run1 determine the particular experiment.  
Experiment 7 8 is one of the ones that causes a crash [1].


[1] Assuming that the random number generator is consistent across  
environments (dubious)

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