Generated on Mon Aug 25 11:35:46 2008 for Gecode by doxygen 1.5.6

Integer propagators
[Other available functionality]

Detailed Description

This module contains a description of all predefined integer propagators. They can be reused, for example, for rewriting newly defined integer propagators into already available propagators.


class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::AbsBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent absolute value propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::AbsDom< View >
 Domain consistent absolute value propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MaxBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent ternary maximum propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::NaryMaxBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent n-ary maximum propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MaxDom< View >
 Domain consistent ternary maximum propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::NaryMaxDom< View >
 Domain consistent n-ary maximum propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent square propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrDom< View >
 Domain consistent square propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent square root propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::SqrtDom< View >
 Domain consistent square root propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultZeroOne< View, pc >
 Bounds or domain consistent propagator for $x_0\times x_1=x_0$. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent multiplication propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::MultDom< View >
 Domain consistent multiplication propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::DivBnd< View >
 Bounds consistent division propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Arithmetic::DivMod< View >
 Integer division/modulo propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::Eq< BVA, BVB >
 Boolean equality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryEq< BV >
 n-ary Boolean equality propagator More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::Lq< BV >
 Boolean less or equal propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::Le< BV >
 Boolean less propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::BinOrTrue< BVA, BVB >
 Binary Boolean disjunction propagator (true). More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::TerOrTrue< BV >
 Ternary Boolean disjunction propagator (true). More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::QuadOrTrue< BV >
 Quarternary Boolean disjunction propagator (true). More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::Or< BVA, BVB, BVC >
 Boolean disjunction propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryOr< BV >
 Boolean n-ary disjunction propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::NaryOrTrue< BV >
 Boolean n-ary disjunction propagator (true). More...
class  Gecode::Int::Bool::Eqv< BVA, BVB, BVC >
 Boolean equivalence propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Channel::Val< View, shared >
 Naive channel propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Channel::Dom< View, shared >
 Domain consistent channel propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Channel::LinkSingle
 Link propagator for a single Boolean view. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Channel::LinkMulti
 Link propagator for multiple Boolean views. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Circuit::Val< View >
 "Value-consistent" circuit propagator More...
class  Gecode::Int::Circuit::Dom< View >
 "Domain consistent" circuit propagator More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::EqInt< VX, VY >
 Propagator for counting views (equal integer to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::GqInt< VX, VY >
 Propagator for counting views (greater or equal integer to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::LqInt< VX, VY >
 Propagator for counting views (less or equal integer to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::NqInt< VX, VY >
 Propagator for counting views (not equal integer to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::EqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >
 Propagator for counting views (equal to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::NqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >
 Propagator for counting views (different from number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::LqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >
 Propagator for counting views (less or equal to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Count::GqView< VX, VY, VZ, shr >
 Propagator for counting views (greater or equal to number of equal views) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Cumulatives::Val< ViewM, ViewD, ViewH, View >
 Propagator for the cumulatives constraint. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Distinct::Val< View >
 Naive value distinct propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Distinct::Bnd< View >
 Bounds consistent distinct propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Distinct::DomCtrl< View >
 Propagation controller for domain consistent distinct. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Distinct::Dom< View >
 Domain consistent distinct propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Distinct::TerDom< View >
 Ternary domain consistent distinct propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Dom::ReRange< View >
 Reified range dom-propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Dom::ReIntSet< View >
 Reified domain dom-propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Element::Int< ViewA, ViewB >
 Element propagator for array of integers More...
class  Gecode::Int::Element::ViewBnd< VA, VB, VC >
 Bounds consistent element propagator for array of views. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Element::ViewDom< VA, VB, VC >
 Domain consistent element propagator for array of views. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Extensional::LayeredGraph< View >
 Domain consistent layered graph (regular) propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Extensional::Base< View, subscribe >
 Base for domain consistent extensional propagation. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Extensional::Basic< View >
 Domain consistent extensional propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Extensional::Incremental< View >
 Domain consistent extensional propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::GCC::Bnd< View, Card, isView >
 Bounds consistent global cardinality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::GCC::Dom< View, Card, isView >
 Domain consistent global cardinality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::GCC::Val< View, Card, isView >
 Value consistent global cardinality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBin< Val, A, B, Ctrl >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear disequality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear greater or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear disquality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Eq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::DomEq< Val, View >
 Propagator for domain consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEq< Val, P, N, Ctrl >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Nq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear disequality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Lq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer less or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer disequal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for equality to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for greater or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBoolView< XV, YV, BV >
 Propagator for reified equality to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReGqBoolView< XV, YV, BV >
 Propagator for reified greater or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for equality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for inequality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::EqDom< View0, View1 >
 Binary domain consistent equality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::EqBnd< View0, View1 >
 Binary bounds consistent equality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::NaryEqDom< View >
 n-ary domain consistent equality propagator More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::NaryEqBnd< View >
 n-ary bounds consistent equality propagator More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqDom< View, CtrlView >
 Reified binary domain consistent equality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqBnd< View, CtrlView >
 Reified binary bounds consistent equality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqDomInt< View, CtrlView >
 Reified domain consistent equality with integer propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReEqBndInt< View, CtrlView >
 Reified bounds consistent equality with integer propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::Nq< View >
 Binary disequality propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::Lq< View >
 Less or equal propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::Le< View >
 Less propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReLq< View, CtrlView >
 Reified less or equal propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::ReLqInt< View, CtrlView >
 Reified less or equal with integer propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Rel::Lex< View >
 Lexical ordering propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Sorted::Sorted< View, Perm >
 Bounds consistent sortedness propagator. More...
class  Gecode::Int::SupportValues< View >
 Support value iterator and recorder. More...


void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< IntView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, int c, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind pk=PK_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over integers.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< IntView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, int c, BoolView b, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind pk=PK_DEF)
 Post reified propagator for linear constraint.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, int c, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind=PK_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, int c, BoolView b, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind=PK_DEF)
 Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, IntView y, int c=0, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind=PK_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Space *home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType r, IntView y, BoolView b, IntConLevel=ICL_DEF, PropKind=PK_DEF)
 Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.

Function Documentation

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< IntView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
int  c,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  pk = PK_DEF 

Post propagator for linear constraint over integers.

t array of linear terms over integers
n size of array
r type of relation
c result of linear constraint
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for doubles as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 195 of file

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< IntView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
int  c,
BoolView  b,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  pk = PK_DEF 

Post reified propagator for linear constraint.

t array of linear terms
n size of array
r type of relation
c result of linear constraint
b Boolean control view
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Only bounds consistency is supported.
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for doubles as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 331 of file

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< BoolView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
int  c,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  = PK_DEF 

Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.

t array of linear terms over Booleans
n size of array
r type of relation
c result of linear constraint
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 401 of file

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< BoolView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
int  c,
BoolView  b,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  = PK_DEF 

Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.

t array of linear terms over Booleans
n size of array
r type of relation
c result of linear constraint
b Boolean control varaible
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 420 of file

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< BoolView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
IntView  y,
int  c = 0,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  = PK_DEF 

Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.

t array of linear terms over Booleans
n size of array
r type of relation
y variable right hand side of linear constraint
c constant right hand side of linear constraint
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 394 of file

void Gecode::Int::Linear::post ( Space *  home,
Term< BoolView > *  t,
int  n,
IntRelType  r,
IntView  y,
BoolView  b,
IntConLevel  = ICL_DEF,
PropKind  = PK_DEF 

Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.

t array of linear terms over Booleans
n size of array
r type of relation
y variable right hand side of linear constraint
b Boolean control variable
All variants for linear constraints share the following properties:
  • Variables occuring multiply in the term array are replaced by a single occurence: for example, $ax+bx$ becomes $(a+b)x$.
  • If in the above simplification the value for $(a+b)$ (or for $a$ and $b$) exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • Assume linear terms for the constraint $\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i\sim_r c$. If $|c|+\sum_{i=0}^{|x|-1}a_i\cdot x_i$ exceeds the limits for integers as defined in Limits::Int, an exception of type Int::NumericalOverflow is thrown.
  • In all other cases, the created propagators are accurate (that is, they will not silently overflow during propagation).


Definition at line 409 of file