Generated on Wed Nov 1 15:05:06 2006 for Gecode by doxygen 1.4.5

Sequence constraints
[Using finite integer sets]

Collaboration diagram for Sequence constraints:


void Gecode::sequence (Space *home, const SetVarArgs &x)
 Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i< |x|-1 : \max(x_i)<\min(x_{i+1})$.
void Gecode::sequentialUnion (Space *home, const SetVarArgs &y, SetVar x)
 Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i< |x|-1 : \max(x_i)<\min(x_{i+1})$ and $ x = \bigcup_{i\in\{0,\dots,n-1\}} y_i $.

Function Documentation

void Gecode::sequence Space *  home,
const SetVarArgs xa

Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i< |x|-1 : \max(x_i)<\min(x_{i+1})$.

Definition at line 31 of file

void Gecode::sequentialUnion Space *  home,
const SetVarArgs xa,
SetVar  y

Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i< |x|-1 : \max(x_i)<\min(x_{i+1})$ and $ x = \bigcup_{i\in\{0,\dots,n-1\}} y_i $.

Definition at line 40 of file