[gecode-users] order in calls to status and commit...

Guido Tack tack at ps.uni-sb.de
Tue May 29 13:07:33 CEST 2007

Sébastien Mouthuy wrote:

> I have one main branching, let's say BrSF. In the commit function of
> BrSF, I sometimes post another branching, say BrCl.
> I printed id's of these branching and it happens that an instance of
> BrSF has the same id as BrCl. I'm not using recomputation: c_d = 1,  
> a_d
> = 10000.

This is definitely a problem. The same id for different branchings  
may only occur on different branches of the search tree, but not on  
the same branch! Are the BrSF also created dynamically? Do you, by  
any chance, create a branching in the commit-function you use for  

Anyway, I'm sure the problem with the ids is also the reason for the  
original problem. Please try to find out why two different branchings  
get the same id.


Guido Tack
Programming Systems Lab, Saarland University, Germany

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