Generated on Sun Feb 17 15:24:49 2019 for Gecode by doxygen 1.6.3

Distinctness constraints
[Using integer set variables and constraints]


void Gecode::atmostOne (Home home, const SetVarArgs &x, unsigned int c)
 Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i\leq |x| : |x_i|=c$ and $\forall 0\leq i<j\leq |x| : |x_i\cap x_j|\leq 1$.

Function Documentation

void Gecode::atmostOne ( Home  home,
const SetVarArgs &  xa,
unsigned int  c 

Post propagator for $\forall 0\leq i\leq |x| : |x_i|=c$ and $\forall 0\leq i<j\leq |x| : |x_i\cap x_j|\leq 1$.