Generated on Tue May 22 09:41:15 2018 for Gecode by doxygen 1.6.3

Gecode::Int Namespace Reference

Finite domain integers. More...


namespace  Arithmetic

Numerical (arithmetic) propagators.

namespace  BinPacking

Bin-packing propagators

namespace  Bool

Boolean propagators.

namespace  Branch

Integer branchers.

namespace  Channel

Channel propagators

namespace  Circuit

Circuit propagators

namespace  Count

Counting propagators.

namespace  Cumulative

Scheduling for cumulative resources

namespace  Cumulatives

Cumulatives propagators

namespace  Distinct

Distinct propagators

namespace  Dom

Domain propagators.

namespace  Element

Element propagators

namespace  Exec

Synchronized execution.

namespace  Extensional

Extensional propagators

namespace  GCC

Global cardinality propagators (Counting).

namespace  LDSB

Symmetry breaking for integer variables.

namespace  Linear

Linear propagators

namespace  Member

Membership propagators.

namespace  NoOverlap

No-overlap propagators

namespace  NValues

Number of values propagators.

namespace  Precede

Value precedence propagators.

namespace  Rel

Simple relation propagators.

namespace  Sequence

Sequence propagators

namespace  Sorted

Sorted propagators

namespace  Unary

Int for unary resources

namespace  Unshare

Unsharing shared variables.

namespace  ViewValGraph

Support classes for propagators using a view-value graph.

namespace  Limits

Numerical limits for integer variables.


class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPSETaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPSETaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPSETaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPSETaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFlexTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::ManFlexTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFlexTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Cumulative::OptFlexTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPTask >
 Task traits for mandatory fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::ManFixPSETask >
 Task traits for mandatory fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPTask >
 Task traits for optional fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::OptFixPSETask >
 Task traits for optional fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::ManFlexTask >
 Task traits for mandatory flexible tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Cumulative::OptFlexTask >
 Task traits for optional flexible tasks. More...
class  OutOfLimits
 Exception: Value out of limits More...
class  NotZeroOne
 Exception: Not 0/1 integer More...
class  VariableEmptyDomain
 Exception: Variable created with empty domain More...
class  TooFewArguments
 Exception: Too few arguments available in argument array More...
class  ArgumentSizeMismatch
 Exception: Arguments are of different size More...
class  ArgumentSame
 Exception: Arguments contain same variable multiply More...
class  UnknownRelation
 Exception: Unknown relation passed as argument More...
class  UnknownOperation
 Exception: Unknown operation passed as argument More...
class  IllegalOperation
 Exception: Illegal operation passed as argument More...
class  UnknownBranching
 Exception: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument More...
class  UnknownReifyMode
 Exception: Unknown reification mode passed as argument More...
class  ValOfUnassignedVar
 Exception: Attempt to access value of unassigned variable More...
class  UninitializedTupleSet
 Exception: uninitialized tuple set More...
class  NotYetFinalized
 Exception: Tuple set not yet finalized More...
class  AlreadyFinalized
 Exception: Tuple set already finalized More...
class  LDSBUnbranchedVariable
 Exception: Variable in symmetry not branched on More...
class  LDSBBadValueSelection
 Exception: Value selection incompatible with LDSB More...
class  ViewRanges< GCC::CardView >
 Range iterator for indexed problem variables More...
class  IdxView
 Class for pair of index and view. More...
class  ViewToVarArg
 Class to map VarArg type to view. More...
class  IdxViewArray
 An array of IdxView pairs. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< IntView >
 VarArg type for integer views. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< MinusView >
 VarArg type for minus views. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< BoolView >
 VarArg type for Boolean views. More...
class  ReUnaryPropagator
 Reified unary propagator. More...
class  ReBinaryPropagator
 Reified binary propagator. More...
class  ReMixBinaryPropagator
 Reified mixed binary propagator. More...
class  Relax
 Class for posting equalities for non-relaxed variables. More...
class  SupportValues
 Support value iterator and recorder More...
class  StoEst
 Sort by earliest start times. More...
class  StoEct
 Sort by earliest completion times. More...
class  StoLst
 Sort by latest start times. More...
class  StoLct
 Sort by latest completion times. More...
class  SortMap
 Sorting maps rather than tasks. More...
class  ManToOptTask
 Class to define an optional from a mandatory task. More...
class  FwdToBwd
 Task mapper: turns a task view into its dual. More...
class  TaskViewTraits
 Traits class for mapping task views to tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits
 Traits class for mapping tasks to task views. More...
class  TaskArray
 Task array. More...
class  TaskViewArray
 Task view array. More...
class  TaskViewIter
 Allows to iterate over task views according to a specified order. More...
class  ManTaskViewIter
 Allows to iterate over mandatory task views according to a specified order. More...
class  TaskTree
 Task trees for task views with node type Node. More...
class  TaskProp
 Propagator for tasks More...
class  PLB
 Class for defining basic propagation level. More...
class  PLA
 Class for defining advanced propagation level. More...
class  PLBA
 Class for defining basic and advanced propagation level. More...
class  Event
 Time-tabling event for task. More...
class  BoolTraceView
 Duplicate of a Boolean view. More...
class  IntTraceView
 Duplicate of an integer view. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFixPTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFixPTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFixPSETaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFixPSETaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFixPTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFixPTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFixPSETaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFixPSETaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFlexTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::ManFlexTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFlexTaskFwd >
 Task view traits for forward optional task views. More...
class  TaskViewTraits< Unary::OptFlexTaskBwd >
 Task view traits for backward task views. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::ManFixPTask >
 Task traits for mandatory fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::ManFixPSETask >
 Task traits for mandatory fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::OptFixPTask >
 Task traits for optional fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::OptFixPSETask >
 Task traits for optional fixed tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::ManFlexTask >
 Task traits for mandatory flexible tasks. More...
class  TaskTraits< Unary::OptFlexTask >
 Task traits for optional flexible tasks. More...
class  ValSet
 Class for storing values of already assigned views. More...
class  IntDelta
 Integer delta information for advisors. More...
class  IntVarImp
 Integer variable implementation. More...
class  IntVarImpFwd
 Range iterator for ranges of integer variable implementation. More...
class  IntVarImpBwd
 Backward iterator for ranges of integer variable implementations. More...
class  BoolVarImp
 Boolean variable implementation. More...
class  ViewRanges< BoolView >
 Range iterator for Boolean variable views More...
class  ViewRanges< CachedView< View > >
 Range iterator for offset integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< ConstIntView >
 Range iterator for constant integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< IntView >
 Range iterator for integer variable views More...
class  ViewRanges< MinusView >
 Range iterator for minus integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< NegBoolView >
 Range iterator for negated Boolean variable views More...
class  ViewRanges< OffsetView >
 Range iterator for offset integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< IntScaleView >
 Range iterator for integer-precision scale integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< LLongScaleView >
 Range iterator for long long int-precision scale integer views More...
class  ViewRanges< ZeroIntView >
 Range iterator for constant integer views More...
class  ViewRanges
 Range iterator for integer views. More...
class  ViewValues
 Value iterator for integer views. More...
class  IntView
 Integer view for integer variables. More...
class  MinusView
 Minus integer view. More...
class  OffsetView
 Offset integer view. More...
class  NoOffset
 Converter without offsets. More...
class  Offset
 Converter with fixed offset. More...
class  ScaleView
 Scale integer view (template). More...
class  ConstIntView
 Constant integer view. More...
class  ZeroIntView
 Zero integer view. More...
class  CachedView
 Cached integer view. More...
class  ViewDiffRanges
 Range iterator for cached integer views More...
class  BoolView
 Boolean view for Boolean variables. More...
class  NegBoolView
 Negated Boolean view. More...
class  IntVarImpBase
 Base-class for Int-variable implementations. More...
class  BoolVarImpBase
 Base-class for Bool-variable implementations. More...
class  IntVarImpConf
 Configuration for Int-variable implementations. More...
class  BoolVarImpConf
 Configuration for Bool-variable implementations. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< Gecode::Set::ConstSetView >
 VarArg type for constant Set views. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< Gecode::Set::SetView >
 VarArg type for Set views. More...
class  ViewToVarArg< Gecode::Set::SingletonView >
 VarArg type for singleton views. More...


typedef unsigned int BoolStatus
 Type for status of a Boolean variable.
typedef ScaleView< int,
unsigned int > 
 Integer-precision integer scale view.
typedef ScaleView< long long
int, unsigned long long int > 
 Long long-precision integer scale view.


enum  SortTaskOrder { STO_EST, STO_ECT, STO_LST, STO_LCT }

How to sort tasks.

enum  RelTest { RT_FALSE = 0, RT_MAYBE = 1, RT_TRUE = 2 }

Result of testing relation.

enum  BoolTest { BT_NONE, BT_SAME, BT_COMP }

Boolean tests.



template<class IntType >
IntType ceil_div_pp (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where x and y are non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType floor_div_pp (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where x and y are non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType ceil_div_px (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where x is non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType floor_div_px (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where x is non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType ceil_div_xp (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where y is non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType floor_div_xp (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where y is non-negative.
template<class IntType >
IntType ceil_div_xx (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$.
template<class IntType >
IntType floor_div_xx (IntType x, IntType y)
 Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$.
template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const IdxViewArray< View > &x)
template<class Char , class Traits , class Task >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const TaskArray< Task > &t)
template<class Char , class Traits , class TaskView >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &t)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const Event &e)
 Print event e on stream os.
template<class OptTask , class PL >
ExecStatus purge (Space &home, Propagator &p, TaskArray< OptTask > &t)
 Purge optional tasks that are excluded and possibly rewrite propagator.
template<class OptTask , class PL , class Cap >
ExecStatus purge (Space &home, Propagator &p, TaskArray< OptTask > &t, Cap c)
 Purge optional tasks that are excluded and possibly rewrite propagator.
template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void sort (TaskViewArray< TaskView > &t)
 Sort task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).
template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void sort (int *map, const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &t)
 Initialize and sort map for task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).
template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void sort (int *map, int n, const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &t)
 Sort map with size n for task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).
int plus (int x, int y)
 Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::infinity.
long long int plus (long long int x, long long int y)
 Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::llinfinity.
double plus (double x, double y)
 Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::double_infinity.
BoolTest bool_test (const BoolView &b0, const BoolView &b1)
BoolTest bool_test (const BoolView &b0, const NegBoolView &b1)
BoolTest bool_test (const NegBoolView &b0, const BoolView &b1)
BoolTest bool_test (const NegBoolView &b0, const NegBoolView &b1)
template<class View >
bool same (const CachedView< View > &x, const CachedView< View > &y)
template<class View >
bool before (const CachedView< View > &x, const CachedView< View > &y)
bool same (const ConstIntView &x, const ConstIntView &y)
bool before (const ConstIntView &x, const ConstIntView &y)
bool same (const OffsetView &x, const OffsetView &y)
bool before (const OffsetView &x, const OffsetView &y)
template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
print_view (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const View &x)
template<class Char , class Traits , class Val , class UnsVal >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
print_scale (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const IntView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const MinusView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const OffsetView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const CachedView< View > &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const IntScaleView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const ConstIntView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const ZeroIntView &)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const BoolView &x)
template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &os, const NegBoolView &x)
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_eq_bnd (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether views x and y are equal (use bounds information).
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_eq_dom_check (VX x, VY y)
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_eq_dom (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether views x and y are equal (use full domain information).
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_eq_bnd (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x and integer n are equal (use bounds information).
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_eq_dom_check (VX x, int n)
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_eq_dom (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x and integer n are equal (use full domain information).
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_nq_bnd (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether views x and y are different (use bounds information).
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_nq_dom_check (VX x, VY y)
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_nq_dom (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether views x and y are different (use full domain information).
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_nq_bnd (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x and integer n are different (use bounds information).
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_nq_dom_check (VX x, int n)
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_nq_dom (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x and integer n are different (use full domain information).
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_lq (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether view x is less or equal than view y.
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_lq (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x is less or equal than integer n.
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_le (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether view x is less than view y.
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_le (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x is less than integer n.
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_gq (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether view x is greater or equal than view y.
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_gq (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x is greater or equal than integer n.
template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest rtest_gr (VX x, VY y)
 Test whether view x is greater than view y.
template<class VX >
RelTest rtest_gr (VX x, int n)
 Test whether view x is greater than integer n.
template<class Val , class UnsVal >
bool same (const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &x, const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &y)
template<class Val , class UnsVal >
bool before (const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &x, const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &y)
bool same (const ZeroIntView &, const ZeroIntView &)


const Gecode::ModEvent ME_INT_FAILED = Gecode::ME_GEN_FAILED
 Domain operation has resulted in failure.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_INT_NONE = Gecode::ME_GEN_NONE
 Domain operation has not changed domain.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_INT_VAL = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Domain operation has resulted in a value (assigned variable).
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_INT_BND = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 1
 Domain operation has changed the minimum or maximum of the domain.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_INT_DOM = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 2
 Domain operation has changed the domain.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_INT_NONE = Gecode::PC_GEN_NONE
 Propagation condition to be ignored (convenience).
const Gecode::PropCond PC_INT_VAL = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Propagate when a view becomes assigned (single value).
const Gecode::PropCond PC_INT_BND = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 1
 Propagate when minimum or maximum of a view changes.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_INT_DOM = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 2
 Propagate when domain changes.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_BOOL_FAILED = Gecode::ME_GEN_FAILED
 Domain operation has resulted in failure.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_BOOL_NONE = Gecode::ME_GEN_NONE
 Domain operation has not changed domain.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_BOOL_VAL = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Domain operation has resulted in a value (assigned variable).
const Gecode::PropCond PC_BOOL_NONE = Gecode::PC_GEN_NONE
 Propagation condition to be ignored (convenience).
const Gecode::PropCond PC_BOOL_VAL = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Propagate when a view becomes assigned (single value).

Detailed Description

Finite domain integers.

The Gecode::Int namespace contains all functionality required to program propagators and branchers for finite domain integers. In addition, all propagators and branchers for finite domain integers provided by Gecode are contained as nested namespaces.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int Gecode::Int::BoolStatus

Type for status of a Boolean variable.

Definition at line 484 of file var-imp.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

How to sort tasks.


Sort by earliest start times.


Sort by earliest completion times.


Sort by latest start times.


Sort by latest completion times.

Definition at line 282 of file task.hh.

Boolean tests.


No sharing.


Same variable.


Same variable but complement.

Definition at line 1710 of file view.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::ceil_div_pp ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where x and y are non-negative.

Definition at line 38 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::floor_div_pp ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where x and y are non-negative.

Definition at line 49 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::ceil_div_px ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where x is non-negative.

Definition at line 56 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::floor_div_px ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where x is non-negative.

Definition at line 62 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::ceil_div_xp ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$ where y is non-negative.

Definition at line 69 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::floor_div_xp ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$ where y is non-negative.

Definition at line 75 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::ceil_div_xx ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lceil x/y\rceil$.

Definition at line 82 of file div.hpp.

template<class IntType >
IntType Gecode::Int::floor_div_xx ( IntType  x,
IntType  y 
) [inline]

Compute $\lfloor x/y\rfloor$.

Definition at line 87 of file div.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const IdxViewArray< View > &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 161 of file idx-view.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class Task >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const TaskArray< Task > &  t 
) [related]

Definition at line 117 of file array.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class TaskView >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &  t 
) [related]

Definition at line 165 of file array.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > & Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const Event &  e 
) [inline]

Print event e on stream os.

template<class OptTask , class PL >
ExecStatus Gecode::Int::purge ( Space &  home,
Propagator &  p,
TaskArray< OptTask > &  t 
) [inline]

Purge optional tasks that are excluded and possibly rewrite propagator.

template<class OptTask , class PL , class Cap >
ExecStatus Gecode::Int::purge ( Space &  home,
Propagator &  p,
TaskArray< OptTask > &  t,
Cap  c 
) [inline]

Purge optional tasks that are excluded and possibly rewrite propagator.

template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void Gecode::Int::sort ( TaskViewArray< TaskView > &  t  )  [inline]

Sort task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).

template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void Gecode::Int::sort ( int *  map,
const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &  t 
) [inline]

Initialize and sort map for task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).

template<class TaskView , SortTaskOrder sto, bool inc>
void Gecode::Int::sort ( int *  map,
int  n,
const TaskViewArray< TaskView > &  t 
) [inline]

Sort map with size n for task view array t according to sto and inc (increasing or decreasing).

int Gecode::Int::plus ( int  x,
int  y 
) [inline]

Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::infinity.

long long int Gecode::Int::plus ( long long int  x,
long long int  y 
) [inline]

Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::llinfinity.

double Gecode::Int::plus ( double  x,
double  y 

Safe addition in case x is -IntLimits::double_infinity.

BoolTest Gecode::Int::bool_test ( const BoolView &  b0,
const BoolView &  b1 
) [related]

Definition at line 41 of file bool-test.hpp.

BoolTest Gecode::Int::bool_test ( const BoolView &  b0,
const NegBoolView &  b1 
) [related]

Definition at line 45 of file bool-test.hpp.

BoolTest Gecode::Int::bool_test ( const NegBoolView &  b0,
const BoolView &  b1 
) [related]

Definition at line 49 of file bool-test.hpp.

BoolTest Gecode::Int::bool_test ( const NegBoolView &  b0,
const NegBoolView &  b1 
) [related]

Definition at line 53 of file bool-test.hpp.

template<class View >
bool Gecode::Int::same ( const CachedView< View > &  x,
const CachedView< View > &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 401 of file cached.hpp.

template<class View >
bool Gecode::Int::before ( const CachedView< View > &  x,
const CachedView< View > &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 406 of file cached.hpp.

bool Gecode::Int::same ( const ConstIntView &  x,
const ConstIntView &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 313 of file constint.hpp.

bool Gecode::Int::before ( const ConstIntView &  x,
const ConstIntView &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 317 of file constint.hpp.

bool Gecode::Int::same ( const OffsetView &  x,
const OffsetView &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 307 of file offset.hpp.

bool Gecode::Int::before ( const OffsetView &  x,
const OffsetView &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 311 of file offset.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::print_view ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const View &  x 
) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class Val , class UnsVal >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::print_scale ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &  x 
) [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const IntView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 93 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const MinusView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 98 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const OffsetView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 103 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits , class View >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const CachedView< View > &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 108 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > & Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const IntScaleView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 120 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const ConstIntView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 126 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const ZeroIntView &   
) [inline]

Definition at line 131 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const BoolView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 138 of file print.hpp.

template<class Char , class Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& Gecode::Int::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  os,
const NegBoolView &  x 
) [related]

Definition at line 147 of file print.hpp.

template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest Gecode::Int::rtest_eq_dom_check ( VX  x,
VY  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 50 of file rel-test.hpp.

template<class VX >
RelTest Gecode::Int::rtest_eq_dom_check ( VX  x,
int  n 
) [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file rel-test.hpp.

template<class VX , class VY >
RelTest Gecode::Int::rtest_nq_dom_check ( VX  x,
VY  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 111 of file rel-test.hpp.

template<class VX >
RelTest Gecode::Int::rtest_nq_dom_check ( VX  x,
int  n 
) [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file rel-test.hpp.

template<class Val , class UnsVal >
bool Gecode::Int::same ( const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &  x,
const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 312 of file scale.hpp.

template<class Val , class UnsVal >
bool Gecode::Int::before ( const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &  x,
const ScaleView< Val, UnsVal > &  y 
) [related]

Definition at line 317 of file scale.hpp.

bool Gecode::Int::same ( const ZeroIntView &  ,
const ZeroIntView &   
) [related]

Definition at line 298 of file zero.hpp.