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00001 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
00002 /*
00003  *  Main authors:
00004  *     Christian Schulte <>
00005  *
00006  *  Contributing authors:
00007  *     Mikael Lagerkvist <>
00008  *
00009  *  Copyright:
00010  *     Christian Schulte, 2007
00011  *     Mikael Lagerkivst, 2007
00012  *
00013  *  Last modified:
00014  *     $Date: 2011-09-19 14:02:26 +0200 (Mon, 19 Sep 2011) $ by $Author: schulte $
00015  *     $Revision: 12400 $
00016  *
00017  *  This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint
00018  *  development environment:
00019  *
00020  *
00021  *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
00022  *  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
00023  *  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
00024  *  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
00025  *  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
00026  *  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
00027  *  the following conditions:
00028  *
00029  *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
00030  *  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
00031  *
00039  *
00040  */
00042 #include <gecode/driver.hh>
00043 #include <gecode/int.hh>
00044 #include <gecode/minimodel.hh>
00046 using namespace Gecode;
00048 namespace {
00071   // Easy, Author: Casty
00072   const int k0[] = {
00073     // Dimension w x h
00074     12,10,
00075     // Vertical constraints
00076      2, 0, 5,16,     3, 0, 2, 4,     5, 0, 3, 6,     6, 0, 2, 4,
00077      7, 0, 5,15,    10, 0, 3, 6,    11, 0, 3, 7,     1, 1, 3, 7,
00078      9, 1, 5,16,     4, 2, 2, 5,     8, 2, 2, 3,     3, 3, 5,16,
00079      6, 3, 3, 8,     5, 4, 5,15,    10, 4, 5,15,     4, 5, 2, 3,
00080      8, 5, 2, 4,    11, 5, 3, 7,     1, 6, 3, 6,     2, 6, 3, 7,
00081      7, 6, 3, 7,     6, 7, 2, 3,     9, 7, 2, 4,    -1,
00082     // Horizontal constraints
00083      1, 1, 2, 7,     4, 1, 3, 9,     9, 1, 2, 4,     0, 2, 3, 7,
00084      4, 2, 3, 7,     8, 2, 3, 6,     0, 3, 2, 3,     3, 3, 2, 4,
00085      6, 3, 5,16,     0, 4, 4,10,     5, 4, 4,10,     1, 5, 2,10,
00086      4, 5, 3, 6,     8, 5, 2, 5,     2, 6, 4,10,     7, 6, 4,12,
00087      0, 7, 5,16,     6, 7, 2, 4,     9, 7, 2, 4,     0, 8, 3, 7,
00088      4, 8, 3, 8,     8, 8, 3, 6,     0, 9, 2, 3,     4, 9, 3, 7,
00089      8, 9, 2, 3,    -1
00090   };
00092   // Easy, Author: Ogawa Minori
00093   const int k1[] = {
00094     // Dimension w x h
00095     12,10,
00096     // Vertical constraints
00097      1, 0, 2, 4,     2, 0, 5,15,     5, 0, 5,18,     6, 0, 2,12,
00098      7, 0, 3, 8,    10, 0, 3,24,    11, 0, 3,23,     3, 1, 2, 7,
00099      9, 1, 3,24,     4, 2, 5,16,     8, 2, 5,35,     1, 3, 2,12,
00100      6, 3, 3,17,     7, 4, 5,34,    10, 4, 5,34,    11, 4, 2,16,
00101      3, 5, 3, 6,     1, 6, 3, 7,     2, 6, 3, 6,     5, 6, 3,23,
00102      9, 6, 2,10,     6, 7, 2,14,    11, 7, 2,10,    -1,
00103     // Horizontal constraints
00104      0, 1, 2, 3,     4, 1, 3,15,     9, 1, 2,16,     0, 2, 3, 6,
00105      4, 2, 3, 7,     8, 2, 3,24,     1, 3, 4,11,     6, 3, 5,34,
00106      0, 4, 2,14,     3, 4, 3,23,     7, 4, 2,14,     0, 5, 2, 7,
00107      3, 5, 5,15,     9, 5, 2,17,     2, 6, 2, 6,     5, 6, 3,23,
00108      9, 6, 2,13,     0, 7, 5,16,     6, 7, 4,30,     0, 8, 3, 6,
00109      4, 8, 3,23,     8, 8, 3, 7,     0, 9, 2, 4,     4, 9, 3,24,
00110      9, 9, 2,17,    -1
00111   };
00113   // Easy, Author: SAKAMOTO, Nobuyuki
00114   const int k2[] = {
00115     // Dimension w x h
00116     12,10,
00117     // Vertical constraints
00118      2, 0, 5,15,     3, 0, 2, 3,     7, 0, 3, 7,     8, 0, 4,23,
00119      9, 0, 2,12,    10, 0, 3,20,    11, 0, 3, 9,     4, 1, 3, 7,
00120      5, 1, 4,10,     1, 2, 3, 6,     6, 2, 5,15,     9, 3, 2,16,
00121      3, 4, 2, 3,     7, 4, 4,13,    10, 4, 5,35,    11, 4, 3,23,
00122      4, 5, 4,11,     8, 5, 3,23,     1, 6, 3,23,     2, 6, 3,14,
00123      5, 6, 3,11,     3, 7, 2,13,     9, 7, 2,17,    -1,
00124     // Horizontal constraints
00125      1, 1, 2, 4,     6, 1, 5,15,     1, 2, 4,11,     6, 2, 5,34,
00126      0, 3, 2, 3,     3, 3, 5,15,     9, 3, 2,10,     0, 4, 2, 4,
00127      3, 4, 3, 6,     7, 4, 2,17,     0, 5, 3, 7,     4, 5, 3, 8,
00128      8, 5, 3,18,     2, 6, 2, 3,     5, 6, 3,11,     9, 6, 2,16,
00129      0, 7, 2,16,     3, 7, 5,16,     9, 7, 2,17,     0, 8, 5,16,
00130      6, 8, 4,30,     0, 9, 5,35,     8, 9, 2,17,    -1
00131   };
00133   // Easy, Author: country mushroom
00134   const int k3[] = {
00135     // Dimension w x h
00136     12,10,
00137     // Vertical constraints
00138      3, 0, 3, 7,     4, 0, 6,21,     7, 0, 4,29,     8, 0, 2,17,
00139     10, 0, 4,29,    11, 0, 3,23,     2, 1, 3, 6,     6, 1, 2,16,
00140      9, 1, 4,14,     1, 2, 2, 4,     5, 2, 2, 3,     8, 3, 6,22,
00141      3, 4, 4,10,     2, 5, 4,11,     5, 5, 4,10,     7, 5, 2,10,
00142     10, 5, 3,24,    11, 5, 2,16,     1, 6, 3, 7,     6, 6, 2, 9,
00143      9, 6, 3,23,     4, 7, 2, 4,    -1,
00144     // Horizontal constraints
00145      2, 1, 2, 4,     6, 1, 2,17,     9, 1, 2,16,     1, 2, 3, 6,
00146      5, 2, 6,39,     0, 3, 7,28,     8, 3, 3,24,     0, 4, 2, 3,
00147      3, 4, 2, 3,     6, 4, 4,20,     2, 5, 2, 9,     7, 5, 2, 4,
00148      1, 6, 4,10,     6, 6, 2, 3,     9, 6, 2,16,     0, 7, 3, 6,
00149      4, 7, 7,42,     0, 8, 6,21,     7, 8, 3,21,     0, 9, 2, 4,
00150      3, 9, 2, 3,     7, 9, 2,16,    -1
00151   };
00153   // Medium, Author: Komieda
00154   const int k4[] = {
00155     // Dimension w x h
00156     20,12,
00157     // Vertical constraints
00158      3, 0, 3,21,     4, 0, 2, 4,     5, 0, 4,11,     8, 0, 2, 8,
00159      9, 0, 3, 7,    11, 0, 2, 3,    12, 0, 3, 6,    15, 0, 6,39,
00160     16, 0, 2, 3,    17, 0, 3,23,     2, 1, 5,15,     6, 1, 4,10,
00161     10, 1, 4,11,    14, 1, 4,11,    18, 1, 3, 6,     1, 2, 3,24,
00162      7, 2, 4,14,    13, 2, 2,10,    19, 2, 2,16,     4, 3, 5,18,
00163      8, 3, 4,10,    11, 3, 4,12,    16, 3, 5,33,     3, 4, 3,23,
00164      9, 4, 4,29,    12, 4, 4,30,    17, 4, 3,18,     5, 5, 6,38,
00165     13, 5, 4,29,    18, 5, 5,15,     6, 6, 4,25,    10, 6, 4,12,
00166     14, 6, 4,28,    19, 6, 3,21,     1, 7, 2, 4,     2, 7, 3, 7,
00167      7, 7, 2, 7,    15, 7, 4,11,     3, 8, 3,19,     8, 8, 3,24,
00168     11, 8, 3, 7,    17, 8, 3, 6,     4, 9, 2,16,     9, 9, 2,16,
00169     12, 9, 2,17,    16, 9, 2, 5,    -1,
00170     // Horizontal constraints
00171      2, 1, 3, 7,     7, 1, 2, 4,    10, 1, 2, 4,    14, 1, 3,19,
00172      1, 2, 5,18,     7, 2, 5,15,    13, 2, 5,16,     0, 3, 3,21,
00173      4, 3, 3, 6,     8, 3, 2, 3,    11, 3, 4,11,    16, 3, 3,20,
00174      0, 4, 2,14,     3, 4, 5,15,     9, 4, 2, 3,    12, 4, 4,29,
00175     17, 4, 2, 8,     0, 5, 4,27,     5, 5, 7,42,    13, 5, 4,12,
00176      1, 6, 4,12,     6, 6, 3, 8,    10, 6, 3,20,    14, 6, 4,29,
00177      2, 7, 4,28,     7, 7, 7,28,    15, 7, 4,28,     0, 8, 2, 3,
00178      3, 8, 4,11,     8, 8, 2,10,    11, 8, 5,35,    17, 8, 2,10,
00179      0, 9, 3, 6,     4, 9, 4,30,     9, 9, 2, 3,    12, 9, 3,19,
00180     16, 9, 3, 7,     1,10, 5,34,     7,10, 5,34,    13,10, 5,17,
00181      2,11, 3,23,     7,11, 2,17,    10,11, 2,10,    14,11, 3, 6,
00182     -1
00183   };
00185   // Medium, Author: crimson
00186   const int k5[] = {
00187     // Dimension w x h
00188     20,12,
00189     // Vertical constraints
00190      1, 0, 2, 3,     2, 0, 5,33,     4, 0, 2, 8,     5, 0, 4,14,
00191      7, 0, 5,15,     8, 0, 3,19,     9, 0, 2,12,    11, 0, 4,11,
00192     12, 0, 2, 4,    13, 0, 5,16,    15, 0, 4,11,    16, 0, 2,17,
00193     18, 0, 5,34,    19, 0, 2,17,     3, 1, 2, 3,    10, 1, 9,45,
00194     17, 1, 2,16,     6, 2, 3,20,    14, 2, 3,12,     1, 3, 2,13,
00195      4, 3, 5,33,     9, 3, 3,20,    16, 3, 5,21,    19, 3, 2, 8,
00196      3, 4, 3,11,     8, 4, 3,11,    12, 4, 3, 7,    17, 4, 3, 8,
00197     11, 5, 3,23,     1, 6, 2,11,     2, 6, 5,15,     6, 6, 3,23,
00198      7, 6, 5,27,    13, 6, 5,30,    14, 6, 3, 7,    18, 6, 5,15,
00199     19, 6, 2, 3,     5, 7, 4,26,     9, 7, 4,27,    15, 7, 4,27,
00200      3, 8, 2, 7,    12, 8, 3,24,    17, 8, 2,17,     1, 9, 2, 5,
00201      4, 9, 2, 9,     8, 9, 2, 3,    11, 9, 2,16,    16, 9, 2,16,
00202     19, 9, 2,10,    -1,
00203     // Horizontal constraints
00204      0, 1, 2, 4,     3, 1, 2, 7,     6, 1, 3, 7,    10, 1, 3, 7,
00205     14, 1, 2,11,    17, 1, 2,16,     0, 2, 5,16,     6, 2, 7,42,
00206     14, 2, 5,35,     1, 3, 2,10,     4, 3, 4,15,     9, 3, 2, 6,
00207     12, 3, 3, 7,    16, 3, 2,13,     0, 4, 2,17,     3, 4, 4,29,
00208      8, 4, 3,19,    12, 4, 4,11,    17, 4, 2, 9,     0, 5, 4,29,
00209      5, 5, 5,33,    11, 5, 3, 6,    15, 5, 4,29,     2, 6, 2, 4,
00210      7, 6, 5,16,    15, 6, 2, 4,     0, 7, 4,12,     5, 7, 3,10,
00211      9, 7, 5,18,    15, 7, 4,12,     0, 8, 2,13,     3, 8, 4,29,
00212      8, 8, 3,24,    12, 8, 4,23,    17, 8, 2, 5,     1, 9, 2, 6,
00213      4, 9, 3,24,     8, 9, 2, 4,    11, 9, 4,28,    16, 9, 2,11,
00214      0,10, 5,15,     6,10, 7,41,    14,10, 5,34,     0,11, 2, 3,
00215      3,11, 2,17,     6,11, 3,14,    10,11, 3,23,    14,11, 2,11,
00216     17,11, 2, 4,    -1
00217   };
00219   // Hard, Author: Yuichi Saito
00220   const int k6[] = {
00221     // Dimension w x h
00222     20,12,
00223     // Vertical constraints
00224      1, 0, 2, 6,     2, 0, 2,16,     4, 0, 3,10,     5, 0, 2,12,
00225      9, 0, 7,28,    10, 0, 2,12,    11, 0, 3,24,    15, 0, 3,10,
00226     16, 0, 2,17,    17, 0, 6,22,     3, 1, 3,18,     6, 1, 4,10,
00227      8, 1, 2, 8,    12, 1, 2,10,    13, 1, 3,18,    18, 1, 3,12,
00228      7, 2, 4,11,    14, 2, 3, 7,    19, 2, 2, 7,     1, 3, 2, 8,
00229      2, 3, 3, 7,     5, 3, 4,25,    10, 3, 2, 4,    16, 3, 4,15,
00230      4, 4, 4,11,    11, 4, 7,42,    12, 4, 2,17,    15, 4, 4,26,
00231      3, 5, 6,22,     8, 5, 2,16,    13, 5, 4,30,    18, 5, 3,24,
00232      6, 6, 3, 7,    10, 6, 2, 4,    14, 6, 4,29,    19, 6, 2,14,
00233      1, 7, 2,16,     2, 7, 3,11,     7, 7, 3,24,    17, 7, 3,21,
00234      5, 8, 3,23,     8, 8, 2,12,     9, 8, 3,20,    12, 8, 2,17,
00235     16, 8, 3, 6,     4, 9, 2, 9,    10, 9, 2,16,    15, 9, 2, 9,
00236     18, 9, 2, 3,    19, 9, 2,12,    -1,
00237     // Horizontal constraints
00238      0, 1, 2,10,     3, 1, 2, 5,     8, 1, 3,23,    14, 1, 3,11,
00239      0, 2, 6,38,     7, 2, 6,39,    14, 2, 4,30,     2, 3, 2,10,
00240      5, 3, 4,11,    10, 3, 5,18,    16, 3, 3, 7,     0, 4, 3, 7,
00241      4, 4, 3, 7,     8, 4, 2, 6,    12, 4, 2, 8,    15, 4, 4,11,
00242      0, 5, 2, 8,     3, 5, 4,14,     8, 5, 4,24,    13, 5, 4,10,
00243      1, 6, 4,13,     6, 6, 3,14,    10, 6, 3,19,    14, 6, 4,29,
00244      2, 7, 4,15,     7, 7, 4,14,    12, 7, 4,29,    17, 7, 2,16,
00245      0, 8, 4,29,     5, 8, 2,13,     9, 8, 2, 8,    12, 8, 3,23,
00246     16, 8, 3,22,     0, 9, 3,10,     4, 9, 5,32,    10, 9, 4,29,
00247     15, 9, 2,10,     1,10, 4,14,     6,10, 6,39,    13,10, 6,22,
00248      2,11, 3,21,     8,11, 3,23,    14,11, 2, 6,    17,11, 2,11,
00249     -1
00250   };
00252   // Hard, Author: mimic
00253   const int k7[] = {
00254     // Dimension w x h
00255     22,14,
00256     // Vertical constraints
00257      1, 0, 3,23,     2, 0, 4,29,     3, 0, 2,16,     7, 0, 2, 7,
00258      8, 0, 2,10,     9, 0, 5,30,    13, 0, 7,41,    14, 0, 2,16,
00259     15, 0, 4,29,    17, 0, 2, 3,    18, 0, 6,21,    20, 0, 3, 7,
00260     21, 0, 2, 4,     4, 1, 5,35,     6, 1, 2, 4,    10, 1, 2,17,
00261     12, 1, 3,24,    19, 1, 9,45,     5, 2, 3,23,    11, 2, 9,45,
00262     16, 2, 4,21,     3, 3, 9,45,     7, 3, 5,15,     8, 3, 4,10,
00263     14, 3, 2,10,    17, 3, 2, 3,     6, 4, 2, 4,    10, 4, 4,30,
00264     20, 4, 4,11,     2, 5, 4,13,    12, 5, 4,30,    15, 5, 5,35,
00265     21, 5, 2, 4,     1, 6, 2, 4,     9, 6, 7,41,    14, 6, 4,29,
00266      4, 7, 6,38,     6, 7, 4,11,    16, 7, 2,16,    18, 7, 5,15,
00267      5, 8, 2, 9,     8, 8, 2,17,    13, 8, 5,16,    17, 8, 3, 7,
00268      7, 9, 4,20,    10, 9, 3,23,    20, 9, 4,12,     2,10, 3,23,
00269     12,10, 2, 6,    16,10, 2, 4,    21,10, 3, 9,     1,11, 2,16,
00270      5,11, 2,16,     8,11, 2,16,    14,11, 2, 6,    15,11, 2, 4,
00271     19,11, 2, 4,    -1,
00272     // Horizontal constraints
00273      0, 1, 3,23,     6, 1, 3, 8,    12, 1, 3,23,    16, 1, 2, 4,
00274     19, 1, 2, 4,     0, 2, 4,30,     5, 2, 5,31,    11, 2, 4,29,
00275     16, 2, 5,15,     0, 3, 2,16,     3, 3, 3,19,     8, 3, 5,32,
00276     14, 3, 2,17,    17, 3, 3, 8,     1, 4, 4,29,     6, 4, 3, 9,
00277     10, 4, 9,45,     2, 5, 9,45,    12, 5, 2,17,    15, 5, 5,16,
00278      1, 6, 3,24,     5, 6, 3, 6,     9, 6, 4,30,    14, 6, 2,16,
00279     17, 6, 4,11,     0, 7, 3, 7,     6, 7, 9,45,    18, 7, 3, 7,
00280      0, 8, 4,11,     5, 8, 2, 4,     8, 8, 4,29,    13, 8, 3,23,
00281     17, 8, 3, 7,     1, 9, 5,16,     7, 9, 2,17,    10, 9, 9,45,
00282      2,10, 9,45,    12,10, 3,23,    16,10, 4,14,     1,11, 3,24,
00283      5,11, 2, 6,     8,11, 5,16,    15,11, 3, 7,    19,11, 2, 8,
00284      0,12, 5,35,     6,12, 4,30,    11,12, 5,15,    17,12, 4,11,
00285      0,13, 2,17,     3,13, 2,16,     6,13, 3,24,    12,13, 3, 6,
00286     18,13, 3, 7,    -1
00287   };
00289   // Hard, Author: OX
00290   const int k8[] = {
00291     // Dimension w x h
00292     22,14,
00293     // Vertical constraints
00294      1, 0, 2, 4,     2, 0, 5,15,     5, 0, 5,16,     6, 0, 2,10,
00295      7, 0, 3,18,     8, 0, 4,29,    10, 0, 5,16,    11, 0, 2, 6,
00296     13, 0, 2, 8,    14, 0, 5,16,    15, 0, 6,38,    18, 0, 5,15,
00297     19, 0, 2, 8,    20, 0, 3, 7,    21, 0, 3, 8,     3, 1, 9,45,
00298     16, 1, 2, 4,     4, 2, 2, 3,     9, 2, 8,39,    17, 2, 2, 3,
00299      1, 3, 2, 5,     6, 3, 6,22,    11, 3, 3,22,    13, 3, 8,38,
00300     19, 3, 9,45,     7, 4, 2, 4,    12, 4, 3,24,    16, 4, 6,38,
00301     20, 4, 3,24,     4, 5, 2,16,     8, 5, 2,14,    17, 5, 2,16,
00302     21, 5, 2,11,     1, 6, 2, 4,     2, 6, 3, 8,     5, 6, 2, 7,
00303     10, 6, 3,18,    14, 6, 2,16,    18, 6, 2,16,     7, 7, 6,22,
00304     11, 7, 3, 7,    15, 7, 2,15,     4, 8, 5,35,     8, 8, 5,34,
00305     12, 8, 5,34,    17, 8, 5,34,    20, 8, 5,34,    21, 8, 2, 3,
00306      5, 9, 2,16,    14, 9, 4,12,    18, 9, 2, 7,     1,10, 3,23,
00307      2,10, 3,21,     6,10, 2, 9,    15,10, 3,20,     3,11, 2,17,
00308      9,11, 2, 4,    11,11, 2, 4,    16,11, 2,10,    21,11, 2,16,
00309     -1,
00310     // Horizontal constraints
00311      0, 1, 2, 6,     4, 1, 4,30,     9, 1, 2, 6,    12, 1, 3,10,
00312     17, 1, 4,12,     0, 2, 3, 8,     4, 2, 4,11,     9, 2, 2, 4,
00313     12, 2, 4,20,    17, 2, 4,11,     1, 3, 4,12,     6, 3, 4,28,
00314     13, 3, 5,15,    19, 3, 2, 5,     0, 4, 6,22,     7, 4, 4,28,
00315     12, 4, 3, 8,    16, 4, 3, 6,     0, 5, 3, 7,     4, 5, 3, 7,
00316      8, 5, 8,40,    17, 5, 3,22,     2, 6, 2, 8,     5, 6, 4,12,
00317     10, 6, 3,23,    14, 6, 3,22,    18, 6, 3,22,     0, 7, 6,38,
00318      7, 7, 3,24,    11, 7, 3,23,    15, 7, 6,39,     0, 8, 3, 6,
00319      4, 8, 3, 6,     8, 8, 3, 6,    12, 8, 4,29,    17, 8, 2,14,
00320      1, 9, 3,18,     5, 9, 8,36,    14, 9, 3,22,    18, 9, 3,10,
00321      2,10, 3,22,     6,10, 3,24,    10,10, 4,10,    15,10, 6,21,
00322      0,11, 2,16,     3,11, 5,34,    11,11, 4,29,    16,11, 4,30,
00323      0,12, 4,29,     5,12, 4,12,    10,12, 2,10,    13,12, 4,10,
00324     18,12, 3,23,     0,13, 4,28,     6,13, 3, 7,    10,13, 2,11,
00325     13,13, 4,28,    19,13, 2,13,    -1
00326   };
00328   // Hard, Author: TAKEI Daisuke
00329   const int k9[] = {
00330     // Dimension w x h
00331     22,14,
00332     // Vertical constraints
00333      1, 0, 4,10,     2, 0, 4,24,     3, 0, 3, 7,     7, 0, 3, 8,
00334      8, 0, 2,17,     9, 0, 3,13,    13, 0, 3,22,    14, 0, 2,12,
00335     15, 0, 3,24,    19, 0, 3,19,    20, 0, 4,28,    21, 0, 4,14,
00336      4, 1, 5,16,     6, 1, 5,17,    10, 1, 5,32,    12, 1, 5,34,
00337     16, 1, 5,35,    18, 1, 5,31,     5, 2, 3, 9,    11, 2, 3, 7,
00338     17, 2, 3, 7,     3, 4, 5,27,     7, 4, 5,16,     9, 4, 5,20,
00339     13, 4, 5,30,    15, 4, 5,30,    19, 4, 5,26,     1, 5, 3,12,
00340      2, 5, 3,20,     8, 5, 3,22,    14, 5, 3, 9,    20, 5, 3,10,
00341     21, 5, 3,20,     4, 7, 5,31,     6, 7, 5,16,    10, 7, 5,17,
00342     12, 7, 5,32,    16, 7, 5,19,    18, 7, 5,34,     5, 8, 3, 8,
00343     11, 8, 3,24,    17, 8, 3,24,     1, 9, 4,10,     2, 9, 4,15,
00344     20, 9, 4,30,    21, 9, 4,12,     3,10, 3,20,     7,10, 3, 6,
00345      9,10, 3, 9,    13,10, 3, 6,    15,10, 3, 7,    19,10, 3,24,
00346      8,11, 2, 8,    14,11, 2, 7,    -1,
00347     // Horizontal constraints
00348      0, 1, 3, 7,     6, 1, 3,12,    12, 1, 3,23,    18, 1, 3,23,
00349      0, 2, 4,11,     5, 2, 5,19,    11, 2, 5,33,    17, 2, 4,28,
00350      0, 3, 7,28,     8, 3, 5,34,    14, 3, 7,29,     0, 4, 2,12,
00351      3, 4, 3, 7,     9, 4, 3,16,    15, 4, 3,10,    19, 4, 2,10,
00352      2, 5, 5,18,     8, 5, 5,20,    14, 5, 5,29,     0, 6, 4,24,
00353      5, 6, 5,35,    11, 6, 5,23,    17, 6, 4,26,     0, 7, 3,23,
00354      6, 7, 3, 9,    12, 7, 3,10,    18, 7, 3,23,     0, 8, 4,15,
00355      5, 8, 5,19,    11, 8, 5,33,    17, 8, 4,10,     2, 9, 5,19,
00356      8, 9, 5,35,    14, 9, 5,31,     0,10, 2, 4,     3,10, 3,10,
00357      9,10, 3,18,    15,10, 3,24,    19,10, 2,12,     0,11, 7,41,
00358      8,11, 5,23,    14,11, 7,36,     0,12, 4,14,     5,12, 5,17,
00359     11,12, 5,15,    17,12, 4,26,     0,13, 3, 7,     6,13, 3, 7,
00360     12,13, 3, 6,    18,13, 3,23,    -1
00361   };
00365   const int* examples[] = {
00366     &k0[0], &k1[0], &k2[0], &k3[0], &k4[0],
00367     &k5[0], &k6[0], &k7[0], &k8[0], &k9[0]
00368   };
00370   const unsigned int n_examples = sizeof(examples)/sizeof(const int*);
00376   class DistinctLinear : public Space {
00377   protected:
00379     IntVarArray x;
00380   public:
00382     DistinctLinear(int n, int s) : x(*this,n,1,9) {
00383       distinct(*this, x);
00384       linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, s);
00385       branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_NONE, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
00386     }
00388     DistinctLinear(bool share, DistinctLinear& s) : Space(share,s) {
00389       x.update(*this, share, s.x);
00390     }
00392     virtual Space*
00393     copy(bool share) {
00394       return new DistinctLinear(share,*this);
00395     }
00397     IntArgs solution(void) const {
00398       IntArgs s(x.size());
00399       for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
00400         s[i]=x[i].val();
00401       return s;
00402     }
00403   };
00408   TupleSet generate(int n, int c) {
00409     // Setup search engine that enumerates all solutions
00410     DistinctLinear* e = new DistinctLinear(n,c);
00411     DFS<DistinctLinear> d(e);
00412     delete e;
00413     TupleSet ts;
00414     while (DistinctLinear* s = {
00415       ts.add(s->solution()); delete s;
00416     }
00417     ts.finalize();
00418     return ts;
00419   }
00424   class Cache {
00425   private:
00427     class Entry {
00428     public:
00429       int n;       
00430       int c;       
00431       TupleSet ts; 
00432       Entry* next; 
00433     };
00434     Entry* cache; 
00435   public:
00437     Cache(void) : cache(NULL) {}
00439     TupleSet get(int n, int c) {
00440       for (Entry* e = cache; e != NULL; e = e->next)
00441         if ((e->n == n) && (e->c == c))
00442           return e->ts;
00443       {
00444         Entry* e = new Entry;
00445         e->n = n;
00446         e->c = c;
00447         e->ts = generate(n,c);
00448         e->next = cache;
00449         cache = e;
00450       }
00451       return cache->ts;
00452     }
00454     ~Cache(void) {
00455       Entry* e = cache;
00456       while (e != NULL) {
00457         Entry* d = e;
00458         e = e->next;
00459         delete d;
00460       }
00461     }
00462   };
00464 }
00477 class Kakuro : public Script {
00478 protected:
00479   const int w;   
00480   const int h;   
00481   IntVarArray f; 
00482 public:
00484   enum {
00486     MODEL_COMBINE,  
00487   };
00489   IntVar init(IntVar& x) {
00490     if (x.min() == 0)
00491       x = IntVar(*this,1,9);
00492     return x;
00493   }
00495   void distinctlinear(Cache& dc, const IntVarArgs& x, int c,
00496                       const SizeOptions& opt) {
00497     int n=x.size();
00498     if (opt.model() == MODEL_DECOMPOSE) {
00499       if (n < 8)
00500         linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, c, opt.icl());
00501       else if (n == 8)
00502         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
00503       distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
00504     } else {
00505       switch (n) {
00506       case 0:
00507         return;
00508       case 1:
00509         rel(*this, x[0], IRT_EQ, c);
00510         return;
00511       case 8:
00512         // Prune the single missing digit
00513         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
00514         break;
00515       case 9:
00516         break;
00517       default:
00518         if (c == n*(n+1)/2) {
00519           // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n
00520           rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n);
00521         } else if (c == n*(n+1)/2 + 1) {
00522           // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n-1 + n+1
00523           rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n+1);
00524           rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, n);
00525         } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2) {
00526           // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n+1) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
00527           rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n+1);
00528         } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2 + 1) {
00529           // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
00530           rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n);
00531           rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9-n+1);
00532         } else {
00533           extensional(*this, x, dc.get(n,c));
00534           return;
00535         }
00536       }
00537       distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
00538     }
00539   }
00541   Kakuro(const SizeOptions& opt)
00542     : w(examples[opt.size()][0]),  h(examples[opt.size()][1]),
00543       f(*this,w*h) {
00544     IntVar black(*this,0,0);
00545     // Initialize all fields as black (unused). Only if a field
00546     // is actually used in a constraint, create a fresh variable
00547     // for it (done via init).
00548     for (int i=w*h; i--; )
00549       f[i] = black;
00551     // Cache of already computed tuple sets
00552     Cache cache;
00554     // Matrix for accessing board fields
00555     Matrix<IntVarArray> b(f,w,h);
00556     // Access to hints
00557     const int* k = &examples[opt.size()][2];
00559     // Process vertical hints
00560     while (*k >= 0) {
00561       int x=*k++; int y=*k++; int n=*k++; int s=*k++;
00562       IntVarArgs col(n);
00563       for (int i=n; i--; )
00564         col[i]=init(b(x,y+i+1));
00565       distinctlinear(cache,col,s,opt);
00566     }
00567     k++;
00569     // Process horizontal hints
00570     while (*k >= 0) {
00571       int x=*k++; int y=*k++; int n=*k++; int s=*k++;
00572       IntVarArgs row(n);
00573       for (int i=n; i--; )
00574         row[i]=init(b(x+i+1,y));
00575       distinctlinear(cache,row,s,opt);
00576     }
00577     branch(*this, f, INT_VAR_SIZE_AFC_MIN, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
00578   }
00580   Kakuro(bool share, Kakuro& s) : Script(share,s), w(s.w), h(s.h) {
00581     f.update(*this, share, s.f);
00582   }
00584   virtual Space*
00585   copy(bool share) {
00586     return new Kakuro(share,*this);
00587   }
00589   virtual void
00590   print(std::ostream& os) const {
00591     Matrix<IntVarArray> b(f,w,h);
00592     for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
00593       os << '\t';
00594       for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
00595         if (b(x,y).min() == 0)
00596           os << ". ";
00597         else
00598           os << b(x,y) << ' ';
00599       os << std::endl;
00600     }
00601   }
00602 };
00608 int
00609 main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
00610   SizeOptions opt("Kakuro");
00611   opt.model(Kakuro::MODEL_COMBINE);
00612   opt.model(Kakuro::MODEL_DECOMPOSE,
00613                   "decompose","decompose distinct and linear constraints");
00614   opt.model(Kakuro::MODEL_COMBINE,
00615                   "combine","combine distinct and linear constraints");
00616   opt.icl(ICL_DOM);
00617   opt.parse(argc,argv);
00618   if (opt.size() >= n_examples) {
00619     std::cerr << "Error: size must be between 0 and "
00620               << n_examples-1 << std::endl;
00621     return 1;
00622   }
00623   Script::run<Kakuro,DFS,SizeOptions>(opt);
00624   return 0;
00625 }
00627 // STATISTICS: example-any