Generated on Mon Aug 25 11:35:46 2008 for Gecode by doxygen 1.5.6

Set propagators
[Other available functionality]

Detailed Description

This module contains a description of all predefined finite set propagators. They can be reused, for example, for rewriting newly defined finite set propagators into already available propagators.


class  Gecode::Set::Convex::Convex
 Propagator for the convex constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Convex::ConvexHull
 Propagator for the convex hull constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Distinct::AtmostOne
 Propagator for the AtMostOneIntersection constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Element::ElementIntersection< SView, RView >
 Propagator for element with intersection More...
class  Gecode::Set::Element::ElementUnion< SView, RView >
 Propagator for element with union More...
class  Gecode::Set::Element::ElementUnionConst< SView, RView >
 Propagator for element with union of constant sets More...
class  Gecode::Set::Element::ElementDisjoint
 Propagator for element with disjointness More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::MinElement< View >
 Propator for minimum element More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::MaxElement< View >
 Propator for maximum element More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::Card< View >
 Propagator for cardinality More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::Match< View >
 Propagator for the match constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::ChannelInt< View >
 Propagator for channelling between variable-value-dual models More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::ChannelBool< View >
 Propagator for channelling between set variable and its characteristic function More...
class  Gecode::Set::Int::Weights< View >
 Propagator for weight of a set More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::SuperOfInter< View0, View1, View2 >
 Propagator for the superset of intersection More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::SubOfUnion< View0, View1, View2 >
 Propagator for the subset of union More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::Intersection< View0, View1, View2 >
 Propagator for ternary intersection More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::Union< View0, View1, View2 >
 Propagator for ternary union More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::IntersectionN< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for nary intersection More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::UnionN< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for nary union More...
class  Gecode::Set::RelOp::PartitionN< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for nary partition More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::SubSet< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for the subset constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::NoSubSet< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for the negated subset constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::ReSubset< View0, View1 >
 Reified subset propagator More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::Eq< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for set equality More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::ReEq< View0, View1 >
 Reified equality propagator More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::Distinct< View0, View1 >
 Propagator for negated equality More...
class  Gecode::Set::Rel::DistinctDoit< View0 >
 Propagator for negated equality More...
class  Gecode::Set::Sequence::Seq
 Propagator for the sequence constraint More...
class  Gecode::Set::Sequence::SeqU
 Propagator for the sequenced union constraint More...