Generated on Mon Aug 25 11:35:46 2008 for Gecode by doxygen 1.5.6 File Reference

(Revision: 6241)

#include "gecode/set.hh"
#include "gecode/set/int.hh"
#include "gecode/set/rel.hh"

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namespace  Gecode


void Gecode::rel (Space *home, SetVar s, IntRelType r, IntVar x)
 Post propagator for $|s|\geq 1 \land \forall i\in s:\ i \sim_r x$.
void Gecode::rel (Space *home, IntVar x, IntRelType r, SetVar s)
 Post propagator for $|s|\geq 1 \land \forall i\in s:\ x \sim_r i$.
void Gecode::min (Space *home, SetVar s, IntVar x)
 Post propagator that propagates that x is the minimal element of s, and that s is not empty.
void Gecode::max (Space *home, SetVar s, IntVar x)
 Post propagator that propagates that x is the maximal element of s, and that s is not empty.
void Gecode::match (Space *home, SetVar s, const IntVarArgs &x)
 Post propagator that propagates that s contains the $x_i$, which are sorted in non-descending order.
void Gecode::channel (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const SetVarArgs &y)
 Post propagator for $x_i=j \Leftrightarrow i\in y_j$.
void Gecode::channel (Space *home, const BoolVarArgs &x, SetVar y)
 Post propagator for $x_i=1 \Leftrightarrow i\in y$.
void Gecode::weights (Space *home, const IntArgs &elements, const IntArgs &weights, SetVar x, IntVar y)
 Post propagator for $y = \mathrm{weight}(x)$.