Generated on Wed Nov 1 15:05:22 2006 for Gecode by doxygen 1.4.5

Gecode::Set Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Finite integer sets.

The Gecode::Set namespace contains all functionality required to program propagators and branchings for finite integer sets. In addition, all propagators and branchings for finite integer sets provided by Gecode are contained as nested namespaces.


class  VariableOutOfRangeDomain
 Exception: Variable created with values too large for domain More...
class  VariableOutOfRangeCardinality
 Exception: Variable created with wrong cardinality More...
class  VariableFailedDomain
 Exception: Variable created with failed domain More...
class  ArgumentEmpty
 Exception: No arguments available in argument array More...
class  ArgumentSizeMismatch
 Exception: Arguments are of different size More...
class  InvalidRelation
 Exception: Invalid relation passed as argument More...
class  InvalidProjector
 Exception: Invalid projector passed as argument More...
class  UnknownBranching
 Exception: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument More...
class  SetMeDiff
 Modification event difference for Set-variable implementations. More...
class  SetVarImpBase
 Base-class for Set-variable implementations. More...
class  LubRanges< SetVarImp * >
 Range iterator for the least upper bound of a set variable implementation. More...
class  GlbRanges< SetVarImp * >
 Range iterator for the greatest lower bound of a set variable implementation. More...
class  RangeList
 Lists of ranges (intervals). More...
class  BndSet
 Sets of integers. More...
class  BndSetRanges
 Range iterator for integer sets. More...
class  GLBndSet
 Growing sets of integers. More...
class  LUBndSet
 Shrinking sets of integers. More...
class  RangesCompl
 A complement iterator spezialized for the BndSet limits. More...
class  LubRanges
 Range iterator for the least upper bound. More...
class  GlbRanges
 Range iterator for the greatest lower bound. More...
class  UnknownRanges
 Range iterator for the unknown set. More...
class  SetVarImp
 Finite integer set variable implementation. More...
class  LubRanges< ComplementView< View > >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of complement set views More...
class  LubRanges< ComplementView< ComplementView< View > > >
 Range iterator for the least upper bound of double-complement-views. More...
class  GlbRanges< ComplementView< View > >
 Range iterator for greatest lower bound of complement set views More...
class  GlbRanges< ComplementView< ComplementView< View > > >
 Range iterator for the greatest lower bound of double-complement-views. More...
class  ArrayRanges
 Range iterator for a two-dimensional array More...
class  LubRanges< EmptyView >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of constantly empty set view More...
class  GlbRanges< EmptyView >
 Range iterator for greatesr lower bound of constantly empty set view More...
class  LubRanges< UniverseView >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of constant universe set view More...
class  GlbRanges< UniverseView >
 Range iterator for greatest lower bound of constant universe set view More...
class  LubRanges< ConstantView >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of constant set view More...
class  GlbRanges< ConstantView >
 Range iterator for greatest lower bound of constant set view More...
class  LubRanges< SetView >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of set variable views More...
class  GlbRanges< SetView >
 Range iterator for greatest lower bound of set variable views More...
class  LubRanges< SingletonView >
 Range iterator for least upper bound of singleton set view More...
class  GlbRanges< SingletonView >
 Range iterator for greatest lower bound of singleton set view More...
class  SetView
 Set view for set variables More...
class  ConstantView
 Constant view. More...
class  EmptyView
 Constant view for the empty set. More...
class  UniverseView
 Constant view for the universe. More...
class  SingletonView
 Singleton set view. More...
class  ComplementView
 Complement set view. More...
class  ComplementView< ComplementView< View > >
 Complement set view specialized for complement set views. More...


namespace  Branch
 Set branchings
namespace  Convex
 Propagators for convexity.
namespace  Distinct
 Propagators for global distinctness constraints.
namespace  Int
 Propagators connecting set and int variables.
namespace  Projection
namespace  Rel
 Standard set relation propagators.
namespace  RelOp
 Standard set operation propagators.
namespace  Select
 Set selection propagators
namespace  Sequence
 Propagators for ordered sequences of sets.


const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_FAILED = Gecode::ME_GEN_FAILED
 Domain operation has resulted in failure.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_NONE = Gecode::ME_GEN_NONE
 Domain operation has not changed domain.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_VAL = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Domain operation has resulted in a value (assigned variable).
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_CARD = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 1
 Domain operation has changed the variable cardinality.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_LUB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 2
 Domain operation has changed the least upper bound.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_GLB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 3
 Domain operation has changed the greatest lower bound.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_BB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 4
 Domain operation has changed both greatest lower and least upper bound.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_CLUB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 5
 Domain operation has changed the least upper bound and the cardinality.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_CGLB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 6
 Domain operation has changed the greatest lower bound and the cardinality.
const Gecode::ModEvent ME_SET_CBB = Gecode::ME_GEN_ASSIGNED + 7
 Domain operation has changed both the greatest lower bound and the least upper bound, as well as the cardinality.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_SET_VAL = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED
 Propagate when a view becomes assigned (single value).
const Gecode::PropCond PC_SET_CARD = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 1
 Propagate when the cardinality of a view changes.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_SET_CLUB = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 2
 Propagate when the cardinality or the least upper bound of a view changes.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_SET_CGLB = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 3
 Propagate when the cardinality or the greatest lower bound of a view changes.
const Gecode::PropCond PC_SET_ANY = Gecode::PC_GEN_ASSIGNED + 4
 Propagate when any bound or the cardinality of a view changes.