Generated on Wed Nov 1 15:04:49 2006 for Gecode by doxygen 1.4.5 File Reference

(Revision: 3512)

#include "gecode/int/gcc.hh"

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namespace  Gecode
namespace  Gecode::Int
namespace  Gecode::Int::GCC


template<class Card>
bool Gecode::Int::GCC::check_alldiff (int n, ViewArray< Card > &k)
 Check whether gcc can be rewritten to distinct.
template<class View>
int Gecode::Int::GCC::x_card (ViewArray< View > &x, IntConLevel icl)
 Compute the cardinality of the union of all variable domains in x.
template<class Card, class View>
void Gecode::Int::GCC::initcard (Space *home, ViewArray< View > &x, ViewArray< Card > &k, int lb, int ub, IntConLevel icl)
 Initialize the cardinalities for the values in k.
template<class Card, class View, bool isView>
void Gecode::Int::GCC::setcard (Space *home, ViewArray< View > &x, ViewArray< Card > &k, int xmin, int xmax)
 Reset already existing cardinalities to zero.
template<class Card, bool isView>
ExecStatus Gecode::Int::GCC::card_cons (Space *home, ViewArray< Card > &k, int n, bool all)
 Check whether the cardinalities are consistent.
template<class View, class Card, bool isView>
void Gecode::Int::GCC::post_template (Space *home, ViewArray< View > &x, ViewArray< Card > &k, IntConLevel &icl, bool &all)
 Template to post the global cardinality constraint for the different interfaces.
template<class View>
void Gecode::initCV (Space *home, const IntArgs &ia, const ViewArray< View > &x, int l, ViewArray< OccurBndsView > &a, int iasize, int val, int nov, int min, int max, int unspec_low, int unspec_up)
void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const IntArgs &c, int m, int unspec_low, int unspec_up, int min, int max, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for

\begin{eqnarray*} \forall t=(v, lb, ub) \in c: & & lb \leq \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} \leq ub \\ \forall t=(v, unspec_{low}, unspec_{up}) \not\in c: & & unspec_{low} \leq \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} \leq unspec_{up} \end{eqnarray*}


void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const IntArgs &c, int m, int unspec, int min, int max, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for

\begin{eqnarray*} \forall t=(v, lb, ub) \in c: & & lb \leq \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} \leq ub \\ \forall t=(v, 0, unspec) \not\in c: & & 0 \leq \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} \leq unspec \end{eqnarray*}


void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, int lb, int ub, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for $ \forall v \in \displaystyle \bigcup_{i\in\{0, \dots, |x|-1\}} dom(x_i): lb \leq \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} \leq ub $.
void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, int ub, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for $ \forall v \in \displaystyle \bigcup_{i\in\{0, \dots, |x|-1\}} dom(x_i): lb = \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v\} = ub $.
void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const IntVarArgs &c, int min, int max, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for

\begin{eqnarray*} v_j \in I=[min;max] & & \\ \forall j \in \{0, \dots, |I| - 1\}: & & \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v_j\} = c_j \end{eqnarray*}


void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const IntArgs &v, const IntVarArgs &c, int m, int unspec, bool all, int min, int max, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for $ \forall j \in \{0, \dots, |v| - 1\}: \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v_j\} = c_j $.
void Gecode::gcc (Space *home, const IntVarArgs &x, const IntArgs &v, const IntVarArgs &c, int m, int unspec_low, int unspec_up, bool all, int min, int max, IntConLevel icl)
 Post propagator for $ \forall j \in \{0, \dots, |v| - 1\}: \#\{i\in\{0, \dots, |x| - 1\} | x_i = v_j\} = c_j $.