[gecode-users] Unsigned Int Constraint Variables

negate273 at gmail.com negate273 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 08:42:10 CEST 2014


Is there anyway by which the bounds of an integer constraint variable be set to 0..2**32-1 (0xFFFF_FFFF) instead of the bounds for a signed integer (-0x7FFF_FFFF, 0x7FFF_FFFF) ? 

I tried recompiling gecod by setting 
    - gecode/int.hh Gecode::Int::Limits.max to UINT_MAX -1  (original INT_MAX-1)
    - gecode/int.hh Gecode::Int::Limits.min to 0  (original -max) 
    - gecode/support/int-type.hpp IntTypeTraits<signed int> min = 0 (originally INT_MIN)
    - gecode/support/int-type.hpp IntTypeTraits<signed int> max = UNIT_MAX-1 (originally INT_MAX)
but these do not help, in recognizing variables that may have values > 2**31. 

Any pointers ? 


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