[gecode-users] Installation on Windows w/ or wo/ Cygwin

Jose A Magaña jose_a_magana at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 15 13:29:48 CET 2013

Hello all,
    I have just started to use Gecode as part of a university course on CSP.
   First, congrats for the tool and the amazing work you do in supporting it.
    I am trying to install the tool on a Windows 8 system and some doubts have arised during the process as well as some issues related to Cygwin. I have made some effort on reading the documentation (Chapter 2 mainly of MGP) and reviewed some previous questions on this list.

    Going to the point:

    1) On a Windows installation, using the .msi packages. Is it required to do something else? I understand not but want to be sure. I don’t want to start working and then finding that the installation was not properly completed. 
        I have missed a Test.exe that validates that the installation is OK as it exists for Linux although I also understand that if nothing needs to be done after msi install, then the test would be very simple (if any needed).
        Does this means that I can use Gecode on a 100% Windows environment (no cygwin at all)? Section 2.3.1 indicates in other direction and combines VSstudio with Cygwin. Is that required or just an option? I understand I have all the .h* and libs in the installation folder.
        The documentation(section 2.6.1) refers to pre-compiled binaries... are those the .msi or do you refer to the .tar.gz?

    2) On a Windows installation using cygwin, that I have also attempted. I have been able to make the install using CC=”gcc” CXX=”g++”.
         Everything gets installed, even to the /usr/local folders and the Test.exe shows everything is working.
        I need this to work since the teacher uses a Linux machine for the lab classes. In addition some scripts are distributed to compile some examples that I would need to modify during the class.
         I cab compile but I have not been able to link.
         Here is where I have my doubts. I have read in some old questions to the list, that you were considering not supporting cygwin with g++/gcc due to the problems with dynamic linking. The discussions date back to 2008 and 2010. 
         Is it a supported configuration? 
         Which additional settings should I add to my linking command?

   g++ -o basic -L/usr/local/lib basic.o -lgecodedriver -lgecodesearch -lgecodeminimodel -lgecodeint -lgecodekernel –lgecodesupport      

         Thanks in advance for your support.

            Jose A. Magaña

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