[gecode-users] Gecode 4.0.0 released

Guido Tack tack at gecode.org
Thu Mar 14 22:01:47 CET 2013

Dear all,

we are releasing the next major version of Gecode:

                           Gecode 4.0.0

This release adds a multitude of new features, fixes many bugs, and offers a number of performance improvements. There are too many major improvements to even summarize them here all, so here are just some highlights: LDSB as automatic symmetry breaking during search; restart-based search; complete redesign and reimplementation of branching enhancing the expressiveness massively (AFC with decay, activity, user-defined variable and value selection, tie-break control, better randomization, ...); half-reification; addition of floating point constraints.

On our web site, you find source packages, binary packages for Windows and Mac OS, and the full documentation.

As the interfaces have changed, please consult the following page for information on how to update existing code:

If you have downloaded the packages before you read this message, please re-download, as we incorporated a last-minute fix.


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