[gecode-users] [ANN] gecode/python v0.27

Denys Duchier denys.duchier at univ-orleans.fr
Tue Mar 27 22:20:13 CEST 2012

I am pleased to announce release 0.27 of gecode-python, the simplified
gecode bindings for python.


- support for extensional constraints
  new gecode.fsa module for constructing finite state automata
- module gecode.domain for easy modeling of symbolic finite domains
- Space.values(X) also works for BoolVars
- support for search statistics
- support for search limits (implicit stop objects)
- support for Gecode 3.7.2
- support for Gecode 3.7.3


- from pypi using easy_install (provided by setuptools):

        sudo -E easy_install gecode-python
  or    easy_install gecode-python --prefix ~

  if you are upgrading a previous install:

        sudo -E easy_install -U gecode-python
  or    easy_install -U gecode-python --prefix ~

- from pypi using the tarball:

        tar zxf gecode-python-0.17.tar.gz
        cd gecode-python-0.17
        sudo -E python setup.py install
  or    python setup.py install --prefix ~

- using the launchpad branch:

        bzr branch lp:gecode-python
        cd gecode-python
        sudo -E python setup.py install
  or    python setup.py install --prefix ~

if you are installing using "--prefix ~" I recommend that:
1. you create directory ~/.local if it does not already exist
2. you create a symbolic link:
        ~/.local/lib   -> ~/lib
   or   ~/.local/lib64 -> ~/lib64
   depending on whether you have a ~/lib or a ~/lib64 directory in your
   home after install.
this will allow python to find your locally installed packages without
requiring you to fiddle with environment variable PYTHONPATH.



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