[gecode-users] Counting clones

Guido Tack tack at gecode.org
Sat Jun 2 04:00:37 CEST 2012

On 02/06/2012, at 5:03 AM, Marco Correia wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, I think I got it. I was under the impression that recomputation (and adaptive recomputation) where techniques for optimizing runtime performance when compared with standard copy since recomputing could perhaps be faster than copying for some cases. But now I see I was wrong and that their purpose is only to save space. This means that setting c_d=1  should always provide faster runtime than any other method (assuming that the problem at hand does not require huge amounts of memory). Am I getting the right picture now, or am I oversimplifying?

You may in fact save runtime in case you don't explore the entire tree.  E.g. when you're only searching for one solution (not optimising), many branches may remain unexplored.  With a higher c_d, you will have fewer clones than choice points, and in some cases (deep trees) search will also be faster.


Guido Tack

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