[gecode-users] static build and linking of gecode 3.5.0

Martin Mann mmann at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Wed May 11 12:23:42 CEST 2011

Hi Gecoder,

I am currently struggling with the static libs of Gecode. Get pages of

   " undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'"

and I am still digging in my setup to find the problem.

But I thought to remember that there were some issues about static 
gecode libs and so my question: Are they supported/tested or not 

Unfortunately, I ve got to build statically, since the binary has to be 
executable at different linux and unix systems without local 
recompilation. :/

I will further investigate if the problem is somewhere within the 
calling code or the linking setup, which is unfortunately not written by 
me so I cannot give further information for now .. :/

I am using
  - x86_64-redhat-linux
  - gcc 4.5.1
  - gecode 3.5.0 with

./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-gist 
--disable-int-vars --disable-driver --disable-examples 
--disable-scheduling --disable-graph

so long,

Martin Mann, Dipl. Bioinf.
Bioinformatics - Inst. of Computer Science
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Tel: ++49-761-203-8259
Fax: ++49-761-203-7462

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