[gecode-users] how to explore domain variables with Gist

Guido Tack tack at ps.uni-sb.de
Tue May 8 18:55:04 CEST 2007


Alberto Delgado wrote:

> I downloaded the source code and compiled gecode gist [...]
> Now i'd like to explore the variables in each nodes,  i mean the
> domain of the variables.  I tried double-click and it didn't work
> and the menu displayed by right-click  doesn't include any action
> related with the variables.

The file qtgist/gist.hh defines a class Gecode::Gist::Inspector. You  
have to inherit from this class, and override the virtual function  
void inspect(Space* s). The you create an object of your new  
inspector and pass it to the explore function. The inspector is then  
registered with gist, and double-clicking a node will invoke the  
inspect function. You just have to static_cast the Space* into the  
specific type of your constraint problem, and output the variables in  
any way you like.

A simple example (not tested, but you'll get the idea):

using namespace Gecode;
class A : public Space {
	IntVarArray x;
         // the rest of your code defining your constraint problem

class I : public Gist::Inspector {
	virtual void inspect(Space* s) {
		A* a = static_cast<A*>(s);
		for (int i=0; i<a.x.size(); i++) std::cout << a.x[i] << std::endl;

int main(void) {
	A a = new A();
	I i = new I();
	explore(a, i);
	return 0;


Guido Tack
Programming Systems Lab, Saarland University, Germany

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