[gecode-users] msvc 8.0 SP1 warning C4251

Filip Konvička filip.konvicka at logis.cz
Mon Aug 27 11:11:42 CEST 2007

Christian Schulte (27.8.2007 10:44):
> Dear Filip,
> these warnings you only get when using -Wall, right? So with normal defaults
> you should not get any warnings. If you want to switch them off, use
> -wd4251. I am rather reluctant to add the pragmas as this clutters the code. 

Actually, I just created a fresh project for this, and it seems to be
using /W3 (Level 3). Anyway, C4251 seems to be Level 1 warning.
I agree that getting warning-free builds everywhere is hard to maintain,
and users can do the anti-warning hacks in their own code if needed.

> As it comes to Pimpl, I am not convinced that this is really an issue for
> us. Our interfaces can change, that's okay. Why pay for a level of
> indirection then. BTW: it used to be Pimpl before.

Not an issue, as I said, just curiosity.


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