[gecode-users] Peak memory and recomputation

Grégoire Dooms dooms at info.ucl.ac.be
Fri Mar 31 16:34:39 CEST 2006


I have observed the following effect which seems counter-intuitive to 
me: Using less recomputation can save memory.
Can you help me figure out what happens ?

The attached file models this simple problem using sets: generate all 
subgraphs of a complete labeled digraph (with loops).
The following runs are done with increasing fixed recomputation 
distance, very high (1000) adaptive distance and size 3.
The depth of the search tree  is from 9 to 12 (depending on the solutions).

I observe that with c_d = 4, the peak memory is much lower than with 3 
and 5:

When running it with -c_d 3, I get:
        runtime:      10
        solutions:    567
        propagations: 2449
        failures:     0
        clones:       566
        commits:      1548
        peak memory:  9 KB

With -c_d 4 :
        runtime:      0
        solutions:    567
        propagations: 3167
        failures:     0
        clones:       566
        commits:      1848
        peak memory:  1 KB

With -c_d 5 :
        runtime:      10
        solutions:    567
        propagations: 3648
        failures:     0
        clones:       566
        commits:      1935
        peak memory:  8 KB

Grégoire Dooms

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