[gecode-users] Value selection when branching

Lars Otten ottenl at student.chalmers.se
Tue Feb 7 17:15:49 CET 2006

Hi and Hello,

I still haven't solved the previous problem (about the strange propagation
behaviour), but since for the moment there is a workaround, I have started
to work on some other things at the same time, one of them random value
selection when branching.

By just looking at the existing classes in int/branch/select-val.icc (and
int/branch.hh) I wrote with the following:

  class ValRand {
   /// Return random value of view \a x, uniformly distributed
   int val(IntView x);
   /// Tell \f$x=n\f$ (\a a = 0) or \f$x\neq n\f$ (\a a = 1)
   ModEvent tell(Space* home, unsigned int a, IntView x, int n);

  forceinline int
  ValRand::val(IntView x) {
    ViewValues<IntView> vv(x);
    int choice = (int) (x.size() * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)));
    while (choice--) { ++vv; }
    return vv.val();
  forceinline ModEvent
  ValRand::tell(Space* home, unsigned int a, IntView x, int n) {
    assert((a == 0) || (a == 1));
    return (a == 0) ? x.eq(home,n) : x.nq(home,n);

I've also added the value BVAL_RAND to BvalSel for the case distinction
inside the create method in select-val.icc, everything compiles and runs
without errors. Moreover I've added a command line parameter "-seed" to set
the global random seed.

To just test this new part I changed some existing examples to use
BVAL_RAND, e.g. all-intervall.cc.

Still using the default BVAL_MIN I obtain:
$ /examples/all-interval 10 -solutions 200 | grep solutions
	solutions:    74

But then, after the change to BVAL_RAND:
$ ./examples/all-interval 10 -solutions 200 -seed 1 | grep solutions
	solutions:    3
$ ./examples/all-interval 10 -solutions 200 -seed 2 | grep solutions
	solutions:    118
$ ./examples/all-interval 10 -solutions 200 -seed 3 | grep solutions
	solutions:    100
$ ./examples/all-interval 10 -solutions 200 -seed 37582 | grep solutions
	solutions:    125

...and so on, you get the idea. Clearly something is wrong here. ;) Even
though values are chosen randomly, in the end the number of solutions should
be the same. And since for this setting all that was changed/added are the
things above, the error should be within there. Still I can't see the
problem, esp. when comparing it to the existing value selection classes.

Just to rule out other factors I've donwnloaded a fresh copy of the v1.0.0
sources into a different folder and made just the changes described above,
but to no avail...

Any ideas?

Thanks and best regards,


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