R: [gecode-users] Simple example (x<2)

Giuseppe Di Guglielmo diguglielmo at sci.univr.it
Wed Apr 19 18:00:30 CEST 2006

> Please find attached a basic example that does what you want. 
> However, I would like to mention that Gecode is not really a 
> system meant for learning constraint programming as all of 
> its documentation already assumes a thorough knowledge of 
> connstraint programming.

Ok, I'm using ECLiPSe C++ API, but due some its bugs I need to change CLP

Other question:
can I procede in this way with Gecode:

1. declaring some variable
2. post one or more constraints
3. retrieve the results
as in the following ECLiPSe example?
Can you post a Gecode equivalent slice of code? 

#include <iostream>
#include <eclipseclass.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // configuring some ECLiPSe variables
  char* ECLIPSE_HOME = getenv("ECLIPSE_HOME");

  ec_set_option_ptr(EC_OPTION_ECLIPSEDIR, (void *)ECLIPSE_HOME);
  ec_set_option_int(EC_OPTION_LOCALSIZE, 128*1024*1024);
  ec_set_option_int(EC_OPTION_GLOBALSIZE, 128*1024*1024);
  EC_atom fail = EC_atom("fail");
  EC_atom random = EC_atom("random");
  EC_ref Search;
  // [1.]
  // declare a variable (ECLiPSe type)
  EC_ref X_e;
  long X;
  // setting variable range
  post_goal(set_bounds(X_e, 0, 100));
  post_goal(term(EC_functor("indomain",2), X_e, random));

  // [2.]
  // posting constraints
  // x < 50        
  // x >= 30
  // [3.]
  // retrieve the results                          
  while (EC_succeed == EC_resume(Search)) {                
    if ((EC_word(X_e).is_long(&X) == EC_succeed)) {
      cout << "X : " << X << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "ERROR" << endl;
      return 1;


  return 0;


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