Generated on Sun Feb 17 15:24:37 2019 for Gecode by doxygen 1.6.3

linear.hh File Reference

#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/int/linear/int-bin.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/int-ter.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/int-nary.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/int-dom.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/bool-int.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/bool-view.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/bool-scale.hpp>
#include <gecode/int/linear/post.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBin< Val, A, B, pc >
 Base-class for binary linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLinBin< Val, A, B, pc, Ctrl >
 Base-class for reified binary linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBin< Val, A, B, Ctrl, rm >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear disequality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBin< Val, A, B >
 Propagator for bounds consistent binary linear greater or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLqBin< Val, A, B, rm >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent binary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LinTer< Val, A, B, C, pc >
 Base-class for ternary linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear disquality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqTer< Val, A, B, C >
 Propagator for bounds consistent ternary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Lin< Val, P, N, pc >
 Base-class for n-ary linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLin< Val, P, N, pc, Ctrl >
 Base-class for reified n-ary linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Eq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::DomEq< Val, View >
 Propagator for domain consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEq< Val, P, N, Ctrl, rm >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear equality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Nq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear disequality More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Lq< Val, P, N >
 Propagator for bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLq< Val, P, N, rm >
 Propagator for reified bounds consistent n-ary linear less or equal More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBoolInt< VX >
 Baseclass for integer Boolean sum. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer less or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolInt< VX >
 Propagator for integer disequal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReLinBoolInt< VX, VB >
 Baseclass for reified integer Boolean sum. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::BoolNegTraits< BV >
 Traits for Boolean negation view. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReGqBoolInt< VX, VB, rm >
 Propagator for reified integer less or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ReEqBoolInt< VX, VB, rm >
 Propagator for reified integer equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBoolView< XV, YV >
 Base-class for Boolean linear propagators. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for equality to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::GqBoolView< XV, YV >
 Propagator for greater or equal to Boolean sum (cardinality) More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ScaleBool
 Coefficient and Boolean view. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::ScaleBoolArray
 Array of scale Boolean views. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EmptyScaleBoolArray
 Empty array of scale Boolean views. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LinBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX, pcx >
 Base class for linear Boolean constraints with coefficients. More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::EqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for equality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::LqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for inequality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::NqBoolScale< SBAP, SBAN, VX >
 Propagator for disequality to Boolean sum with coefficients More...
class  Gecode::Int::Linear::Term< View >
 Class for describing linear term $a\cdot x$. More...


namespace  Gecode::Int::Linear

Linear propagators

namespace  Gecode

Gecode toplevel namespace

namespace  Gecode::Int

Finite domain integers.


template<class View >
void Gecode::Int::Linear::estimate (Term< View > *t, int n, int c, int &l, int &u)
 Estimate lower and upper bounds.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< IntView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, int c, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over integers.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< IntView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post reified propagator for linear constraint.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, int c, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, int c, Reify r, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, IntView y, int c=0, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post propagator for linear constraint over Booleans.
void Gecode::Int::Linear::post (Home home, Term< BoolView > *t, int n, IntRelType irt, IntView y, Reify r, IntPropLevel=IPL_DEF)
 Post propagator for reified linear constraint over Booleans.