Generated on Sun Feb 17 15:24:49 2019 for Gecode by doxygen 1.6.3

Set exceptions
[Gecode exceptions]


class  Gecode::Set::VariableEmptyDomain
 Exception: Variable created with empty domain More...
class  Gecode::Set::TooFewArguments
 Exception: No arguments available in argument array More...
class  Gecode::Set::ArgumentSizeMismatch
 Exception: Arguments are of different size More...
class  Gecode::Set::UnknownBranching
 Exception: Unknown value or variable selection passed as argument More...
class  Gecode::Set::UnknownRelation
 Exception: Unknown relation type passed as argument More...
class  Gecode::Set::UnknownOperation
 Exception: Unknown operation type passed as argument More...
class  Gecode::Set::IllegalOperation
 Exception: Illegal operation passed as argument More...