Generated on Fri Mar 20 15:56:29 2015 for Gecode by doxygen 1.6.3

ldsb.cpp File Reference

(Revision: 13639)

#include <gecode/set/ldsb.hh>
#include <gecode/set/branch.hh>
#include <map>

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class  Gecode::Set::LDSB::VariableMap
 Map from variable implementation to index. More...


namespace  Gecode

Gecode toplevel namespace

namespace  Gecode::Int

Finite domain integers.

namespace  Gecode::Int::LDSB

Symmetry breaking for integer variables.

namespace  Gecode::Set

Finite integer sets.

namespace  Gecode::Set::LDSB

Symmetry breaking for set variables.


SymmetryHandle Gecode::VariableSymmetry (const SetVarArgs &x)
 Variables in x are interchangeable.
SymmetryHandle Gecode::VariableSequenceSymmetry (const SetVarArgs &x, int ss)
 Variable sequences in x of size ss are interchangeable.
ModEvent Gecode::Int::LDSB::prune< Set::SetView > (Space &home, Set::SetView x, int v)
SymmetryImp< SetView > * Gecode::Set::LDSB::createSetSym (Space &home, const SymmetryHandle &s, VariableMap variableMap)
BrancherHandle Gecode::branch (Home home, const SetVarArgs &x, SetVarBranch vars, SetValBranch vals, const Symmetries &syms, SetBranchFilter bf=NULL, SetVarValPrint vvp=NULL)
 Branch over x with variable selection vars and value selection vals with symmetry breaking.
BrancherHandle Gecode::branch (Home home, const SetVarArgs &x, TieBreak< SetVarBranch > vars, SetValBranch vals, const Symmetries &syms, SetBranchFilter bf=NULL, SetVarValPrint vvp=NULL)
 Branch over x with tie-breaking variable selection vars and value selection vals with symmetry breaking.