Generated on Wed Nov 1 15:04:31 2006 for Gecode by doxygen 1.4.5


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00001 /*
00002  *  Main authors:
00003  *     Christian Schulte <>
00004  *
00005  *  Copyright:
00006  *     Christian Schulte, 2006
00007  *
00008  *  Last modified:
00009  *     $Date: 2006-08-04 16:03:26 +0200 (Fri, 04 Aug 2006) $ by $Author: schulte $
00010  *     $Revision: 3512 $
00011  *
00012  *  This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint
00013  *  development environment:
00014  *
00015  *
00016  *  See the file "LICENSE" for information on usage and
00017  *  redistribution of this file, and for a
00019  *
00020  */
00022 #include "gecode/int/linear.hh"
00024 #include "gecode/iter.hh"
00026 namespace Gecode { namespace Int { namespace Linear {
00035   class SupportSet {
00036   private:
00038     static const unsigned int bpui = sizeof(unsigned int) * 8;
00040     unsigned int* bits;
00041   public:
00043     void init(unsigned int n);
00045     void support(unsigned int i);
00047     bool supported(unsigned int i) const;
00049   private:
00051     class ResultIter : public ViewValues<IntView> {
00052     protected:
00054       const SupportSet* s;
00056       unsigned int p;
00057     public:
00059       ResultIter(const SupportSet* s0, const IntView& x);
00061       void operator++(void);
00062     };
00064   public:
00066     ModEvent tell(Space* home, IntView& x) const;
00068     void dispose(void);
00069   };
00075   template <class Val>
00076   class SupportIter {
00077   protected:
00079     int           a;
00081     IntView       x;
00083     SupportSet    s;
00085     int           c;
00087     unsigned int  p;
00089     Val           l;
00091     Val           u;
00092   public:
00094     void init(int a, const IntView& x, Val l, Val u);
00096     void support(void);
00098     ModEvent tell(Space* home);
00100     void dispose(void);
00101   };
00108   template <class Val>
00109   class PosSupportIter : public SupportIter<Val> {
00110   private:
00112     IntVarImpFwd i;
00113     // Using-declarations for dependant names
00114     using SupportIter<Val>::a;
00115     using SupportIter<Val>::x;
00116     using SupportIter<Val>::s;
00117     using SupportIter<Val>::c;
00118     using SupportIter<Val>::p;
00119     using SupportIter<Val>::l;
00120     using SupportIter<Val>::u;
00121   public:
00123     bool reset(Val& d);
00125     bool adjust(Val& d);
00126   };
00133   template <class Val>
00134   class NegSupportIter : public SupportIter<Val> {
00135   private:
00137     IntVarImpBwd i;
00138     // Using-declarations for dependant names
00139     using SupportIter<Val>::a;
00140     using SupportIter<Val>::x;
00141     using SupportIter<Val>::s;
00142     using SupportIter<Val>::c;
00143     using SupportIter<Val>::p;
00144     using SupportIter<Val>::l;
00145     using SupportIter<Val>::u;
00146   public:
00148     bool reset(Val& d);
00150     bool adjust(Val& d);
00151   };
00154   /*
00155    * Support set
00156    *
00157    */
00158   forceinline void
00159   SupportSet::init(unsigned int n) {
00160     bits = Memory::bmalloc<unsigned int>((n / bpui) + 1);
00161     for (unsigned int i = (n / bpui) + 1; i--; )
00162       bits[i] = 0;
00163   }
00164   forceinline void
00165   SupportSet::support(unsigned int i) {
00166     unsigned int p = i / bpui;
00167     bits[p] |= 1 << (i-p*bpui);
00168   }
00169   forceinline bool
00170   SupportSet::supported(unsigned int i) const {
00171     unsigned int p = i / bpui;
00172     return (bits[p] & (1 << (i-p*bpui))) != 0;
00173   }
00175   forceinline
00176   SupportSet::ResultIter::ResultIter(const SupportSet* s0, const IntView& x)
00177     : ViewValues<IntView>(x), s(s0), p(0) {
00178     while (ViewValues<IntView>::operator()() && !s->supported(p)) {
00179       ViewValues<IntView>::operator++(); ++p;
00180     }
00181   }
00182   forceinline void
00183   SupportSet::ResultIter::operator++(void) {
00184     do {
00185       ViewValues<IntView>::operator++(); ++p;
00186     } while (ViewValues<IntView>::operator()() && !s->supported(p));
00187   }
00190   inline ModEvent
00191   SupportSet::tell(Space* home, IntView& x) const {
00192     unsigned int n = x.size() / bpui;
00193     // Check whether all bits are zero: failure
00194     for (unsigned int i=n+1; i--; )
00195       if (bits[i] != 0)
00196         goto all;
00197     return ME_INT_FAILED;
00198   all:
00199     // Check whether all bits are one: nothing changed
00200     for (unsigned int i=n; i--; )
00201       if (bits[i] != ~0U)
00202         goto tell;
00203     // Now check the bits in the last word
00204     for (unsigned int i=n*bpui; i<x.size(); i++)
00205       if (!supported(i))
00206         goto tell;
00207     return ME_INT_NONE;
00208   tell:
00209     {
00210       ResultIter i(this,x);
00211       Iter::Values::ToRanges<ResultIter> r(i);
00212       return x.narrow(home,r);
00213     }
00214   }
00216   forceinline void
00217   SupportSet::dispose(void) {
00218     Memory::free(bits);
00219   }
00222   /*
00223    * Base-class for support-based iterator
00224    *
00225    */
00226   template <class Val>
00227   forceinline void
00228   SupportIter<Val>::init(int a0, const IntView& x0, Val l0, Val u0) {
00229     a=a0; x=x0; l=l0; u=u0;
00230     s.init(x.size());
00231   }
00232   template <class Val>
00233   forceinline void
00234   SupportIter<Val>::support(void) {
00236   }
00237   template <class Val>
00238   forceinline ModEvent
00239   SupportIter<Val>::tell(Space* home) {
00240     return s.tell(home,x);
00241   }
00242   template <class Val>
00243   forceinline void
00244   SupportIter<Val>::dispose(void) {
00245     s.dispose();
00246   }
00249   /*
00250    * Support-based iterator for positive view
00251    *
00252    */
00253   template <class Val>
00254   forceinline bool
00255   PosSupportIter<Val>::reset(Val& d) {
00256     // Way too small, no value can make it big enough
00257     if (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*x.max() < u)
00258       return false;
00259     // Restart iterator and position of values
00260     i.init(x.variable()); p = 0;
00261     // Skip all ranges which are too small
00262     while (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*i.max() < u) {
00263       p += i.width(); ++i;
00264     }
00265     // There is at least one range left (check of max)
00266     assert(i());
00267     // Initialize current range and adjust value
00268     c = i.min();
00269     // Skip all values which are too small
00270     while (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*c < u) {
00271       p++; c++;
00272     }
00273     // Adjust to new value
00274     d += static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00275     return true;
00276   }
00277   template <class Val>
00278   forceinline bool
00279   PosSupportIter<Val>::adjust(Val& d) {
00280     // Current value
00281     Val v = static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00282     // Subtract current value from d
00283     d -= v;
00284     // Move to next position (number of value)
00285     p++;
00286     // Still in the same range
00287     if (c < i.max()) {
00288       // Decrement current values
00289       c += 1; v += a;
00290     } else {
00291       // Go to next range
00292       ++i;
00293       if (!i())
00294         return false;
00295       c = i.min(); v = static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00296     }
00297     // Is d with the current value too large?
00298     if (d + v > l)
00299       return false;
00300     // Update d
00301     d += v;
00302     return true;
00303   }
00306   /*
00307    * Support-based iterator for negative view
00308    *
00309    */
00310   template <class Val>
00311   forceinline bool
00312   NegSupportIter<Val>::reset(Val& d) {
00313     // Way too small, no value can make it big enough
00314     if (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*x.min() < u)
00315       return false;
00316     // Restart iterator and position of values
00317     i.init(x.variable()); p = x.size()-1;
00318     // Skip all ranges which are too small
00319     while (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*i.min() < u) {
00320       p -= i.width(); ++i;
00321     }
00322     // There is at least one range left (check of max)
00323     assert(i());
00324     // Initialize current range
00325     c = i.max();
00326     // Skip all values which are too small
00327     while (d + static_cast<Val>(a)*c < u) {
00328       p--; c--;
00329     }
00330     // Adjust to new value
00331     d += static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00332     return true;
00333   }
00334   template <class Val>
00335   forceinline bool
00336   NegSupportIter<Val>::adjust(Val& d) {
00337     // Current value
00338     Val v = static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00339     // Subtract current value from d
00340     d -= v;
00341     // Move to next position (number of value)
00342     p--;
00343     // Still in the same range
00344     if (c > i.min()) {
00345       // Decrement current values
00346       c -= 1; v -= a;
00347     } else {
00348       // Go to next range
00349       ++i;
00350       if (!i())
00351         return false;
00352       c = i.max(); v = static_cast<Val>(a) * c;
00353     }
00354     // Is d with the current value too large?
00355     if (d + v > l)
00356       return false;
00357     // Update d
00358     d += v;
00359     return true;
00360   }
00364   /*
00365    * The domain-consisten equality propagator
00366    *
00367    */
00368   template <class Val, class View>
00369   forceinline
00370   DomEq<Val,View>::DomEq(Space* home,
00371                          ViewArray<View >& x, ViewArray<View >& y,
00372                          Val c)
00373     : Lin<Val,View,View,PC_INT_DOM>(home,x,y,c) {}
00375   template <class Val, class View>
00376   ExecStatus
00377   DomEq<Val,View>::post(Space* home,
00378                         ViewArray<View>& x, ViewArray<View>& y,
00379                         Val c) {
00380     (void) new (home) DomEq<Val,View>(home,x,y,c);
00381     return ES_OK;
00382   }
00384   template <class Val, class View>
00385   forceinline
00386   DomEq<Val,View>::DomEq(Space* home, bool share, DomEq<Val,View>& p)
00387     : Lin<Val,View,View,PC_INT_DOM>(home,share,p) {}
00389   template <class Val, class View>
00390   Actor*
00391   DomEq<Val,View>::copy(Space* home, bool share) {
00392     return new (home) DomEq<Val,View>(home,share,*this);
00393   }
00395   template <class Val, class View>
00396   PropCost
00397   DomEq<Val,View>::cost(void) const {
00398     return (View::pme(this) != ME_INT_DOM)
00399       ? cost_hi(x.size()+y.size(),PC_LINEAR_LO)
00400       : cost_hi(x.size()+y.size(),PC_CRAZY_HI);
00401   }
00403   template <class Val, class View>
00404   ExecStatus
00405   DomEq<Val,View>::propagate(Space* home) {
00406     if (View::pme(this) != ME_INT_DOM) {
00407       ExecStatus es = prop_bnd<Val,View,View>(this,home,x,y,c);
00408       if ((es == ES_SUBSUMED) || (es == ES_FAILED))
00409         return es;
00410       return ES_FIX_PARTIAL(View::pme(ME_INT_DOM));
00411     }
00413     // Value of equation for partial assignment
00414     Val d = -c;
00416     int n = x.size();
00417     int m = y.size();
00419     // Create support-base iterators
00420     GECODE_AUTOARRAY(PosSupportIter<Val>, xp, n);
00421     GECODE_AUTOARRAY(NegSupportIter<Val>, yp, m);
00423     // Initialize views for assignments
00424     {
00425       Val l = 0;
00426       Val u = 0;
00427       for (int j=m; j--; ) {
00428         yp[j].init(-y[j].scale(),y[j].base(),l,u);
00429         l += y[j].max(); u += y[j].min();
00430       }
00431       for (int i=n; i--; ) {
00432         xp[i].init(x[i].scale(),x[i].base(),l,u);
00433         l -= x[i].min(); u -= x[i].max();
00434       }
00435     }
00437     // Collect support information by iterating assignments
00438     {
00439       // Force reset of all iterators in first round
00440       int i = 0;
00441       int j = 0;
00443     next_i:
00444       // Reset all iterators for positive views and update d
00445       while (i<n) {
00446         if (!xp[i].reset(d)) goto prev_i;
00447         i++;
00448       }
00449     next_j:
00450       // Reset all iterators for negative views and update d
00451       while (j<m) {
00452         if (!yp[j].reset(d)) goto prev_j;
00453         j++;
00454       }
00455       // Check whether current assignment is solution
00456       if (d == 0) {
00457         // Record support
00458         for (int is=n; is--; ) xp[is].support();
00459         for (int js=m; js--; ) yp[js].support();
00460       }
00461     prev_j:
00462       // Try iterating to next assignment: negative views
00463       while (j>0) {
00464         if (yp[j-1].adjust(d)) goto next_j;
00465         j--;
00466       }
00467     prev_i:
00468       // Try iterating to next assignment: positive views
00469       while (i>0) {
00470         if (xp[i-1].adjust(d)) goto next_i;
00471         i--;
00472       }
00473     }
00475     // Tell back new variable domains
00476     ExecStatus es = ES_SUBSUMED;
00477     for (int i=n; i--; ) {
00478       ModEvent me = xp[i].tell(home);
00479       if (me_failed(me)) {
00480         es = ES_FAILED; goto dispose;
00481       }
00482       if (!x[i].assigned())
00483         es = ES_FIX;
00484     }
00485     for (int j=m; j--; ) {
00486       ModEvent me = yp[j].tell(home);
00487       if (me_failed(me)) {
00488         es = ES_FAILED; goto dispose;
00489       }
00490       if (!y[j].assigned())
00491         es = ES_FIX;
00492     }
00494     // Release memory
00495   dispose:
00496     for (int i=n; i--; ) xp[i].dispose();
00497     for (int j=m; j--; ) yp[j].dispose();
00498     return es;
00499   }
00501 }}}
00503 // STATISTICS: int-prop