Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:cxx14 | |
cxx14::detail | |
Gecode | Gecode toplevel namespace |
Gecode::CPProfiler | Code that is specific to the CPProfiler |
Gecode::Driver | Script commandline driver |
Gecode::FlatZinc | Interpreter for the FlatZinc language |
Gecode::FlatZinc::AST | Abstract syntax trees for the FlatZinc interpreter |
Gecode::Float | Floating point numbers |
Gecode::Float::Arithmetic | Arithmetic propagators |
Gecode::Float::Bool | Boolean propagators |
Gecode::Float::Branch | Float branchers |
Gecode::Float::Channel | Channel propagators |
Gecode::Float::Limits | Numerical limits for floating point variables |
Gecode::Float::Linear | Linear propagators |
Gecode::Float::Rel | Simple relation propagators |
Gecode::Float::Transcendental | Transcendental propagators |
Gecode::Float::Trigonometric | Trigonometric propagators |
Gecode::Gist | The Gecode Interactive Search Tool |
Gecode::Gist::LayoutConfig | Parameters for the tree layout |
Gecode::Int | Finite domain integers |
Gecode::Int::Arithmetic | Numerical (arithmetic) propagators |
Gecode::Int::BinPacking | Bin-packing propagators |
Gecode::Int::Bool | Boolean propagators |
Gecode::Int::Branch | Integer branchers |
Gecode::Int::Channel | Channel propagators |
Gecode::Int::Circuit | Circuit propagators |
Gecode::Int::Count | Counting propagators |
Gecode::Int::Cumulative | Scheduling for cumulative resources |
Gecode::Int::Cumulatives | Cumulatives propagators |
Gecode::Int::Distinct | Distinct propagators |
Gecode::Int::Dom | Domain propagators |
Gecode::Int::Element | Element propagators |
Gecode::Int::Exec | Synchronized execution |
Gecode::Int::Extensional | Extensional propagators |
Gecode::Int::GCC | Global cardinality propagators (Counting) |
Gecode::Int::LDSB | Symmetry breaking for integer variables |
Gecode::Int::Limits | Numerical limits for integer variables |
Gecode::Int::Linear | Linear propagators |
Gecode::Int::Member | Membership propagators |
Gecode::Int::NoOverlap | No-overlap propagators |
Gecode::Int::NValues | Number of values propagators |
Gecode::Int::Order | Int for ordering two tasks |
Gecode::Int::Precede | Value precedence propagators |
Gecode::Int::Rel | Simple relation propagators |
Gecode::Int::Sequence | Sequence propagators |
Gecode::Int::Sorted | Sorted propagators |
Gecode::Int::Unary | Int for unary resources |
Gecode::Int::Unshare | Unsharing shared variables |
Gecode::Int::ViewValGraph | Support classes for propagators using a view-value graph |
Gecode::Iter | Range and value iterators |
Gecode::Iter::Ranges | Range iterators |
Gecode::Iter::Values | Value iterators |
Gecode::Kernel | Kernel functionality |
Gecode::Kernel::Config | |
Gecode::Kernel::MemoryConfig | Parameters defining memory management policy for spaces |
Gecode::MiniModel | Minimalistic modeling support |
Gecode::Search | Search engines |
Gecode::Search::Config | Search configuration |
Gecode::Search::Meta | Meta search engine implementations |
Gecode::Search::Meta::Parallel | Parallel meta search engine implementations |
Gecode::Search::Meta::Sequential | Sequential meta search engine implementations |
Gecode::Search::Par | |
Gecode::Search::Parallel | Parallel search engine implementations |
Gecode::Search::Seq | |
Gecode::Search::Sequential | Sequential search engine implementations |
Gecode::Set | Finite integer sets |
Gecode::Set::Branch | Set branchings |
Gecode::Set::Channel | Channeling propagators for set variables |
Gecode::Set::Convex | Propagators for convexity |
Gecode::Set::Distinct | Propagators for global distinctness constraints |
Gecode::Set::Element | Set element propagators |
Gecode::Set::Int | Propagators connecting set and int variables |
Gecode::Set::LDSB | Symmetry breaking for set variables |
Gecode::Set::Limits | Numerical limits for set variables |
Gecode::Set::Precede | Value precedence propagators |
Gecode::Set::Rel | Standard set relation propagators |
Gecode::Set::RelOp | Standard set operation propagators |
Gecode::Set::Sequence | Propagators for ordered sequences of sets |
Gecode::Support | Support algorithms and datastructures |
JobShopConfig | Default configuration settings |
std | |
Test | General test support |
Test::Array | Tests for arrays |
Test::Assign | Tests for assignments |
Test::Branch | Tests for branchings |
Test::FlatZinc | Tests for FlatZinc |
Test::Float | Testing domain floats |
Test::Float::Arithmetic | Tests for arithmetic constraints |
Test::Float::Basic | Tests for basic setup |
Test::Float::Channel | Tests for channel constraints |
Test::Float::Dom | Tests for domain constraints |
Test::Float::Linear | Tests for linear constraints |
Test::Float::MiniModelLin | Tests for minimal modeling constraints (linear) |
Test::Float::Rel | Tests for relation constraints |
Test::Float::Transcendental | Tests for transcendental constraints |
Test::Float::Trigonometric | Tests for trigonometric constraints |
Test::Int | Testing finite domain integers |
Test::Int::Arithmetic | Tests for arithmetic constraints |
Test::Int::Basic | Tests for basic setup |
Test::Int::BinPacking | Tests for bin-packing constraint |
Test::Int::Bool | Tests for Boolean constraints |
Test::Int::Channel | Tests for channel constraints |
Test::Int::Circuit | Tests for circuit constraints |
Test::Int::Count | Tests for count constraints |
Test::Int::Cumulative | Tests for cumulative scheduling constraints |
Test::Int::Cumulatives | Tests for scheduling constraints |
Test::Int::Distinct | Tests for distinct constraints |
Test::Int::Dom | Tests for domain constraints |
Test::Int::Element | Tests for element constraints |
Test::Int::Exec | Tests for synchronized execution |
Test::Int::Extensional | Tests for extensional (relation) constraints |
Test::Int::GCC | Tests for counting constraints (global cardinality) |
Test::Int::Linear | Tests for linear constraints |
Test::Int::Member | Tests for membership constraints |
Test::Int::MiniModel | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (simple relations) |
Test::Int::MiniModelArithmetic | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (arithmetic) |
Test::Int::MiniModelBoolean | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (Boolean) |
Test::Int::MiniModelCount | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (counting) |
Test::Int::MiniModelLin | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (linear) |
Test::Int::MiniModelSet | Tests for minimal modelling constraints (Set) |
Test::Int::NoOverlap | Tests for no-overlap constraint |
Test::Int::NValues | Tests for number of values constraints |
Test::Int::Order | Tests for order constraint |
Test::Int::Precede | Tests for value precedence constraints |
Test::Int::Rel | Tests for relation constraints |
Test::Int::Sequence | Tests for sequence constraints |
Test::Int::Sorted | Tests for sorted constraints |
Test::Int::Unary | Tests for unary scheduling constraints |
Test::Int::Unshare | Tests for unsharing variables in arrays |
Test::LDSB | Testing for LDSB |
Test::NoGoods | Tests for search using no-goods |
Test::Search | Tests for search engines |
Test::Set | Testing finite sets |
Test::Set::Channel | Tests for set channeling constraints |
Test::Set::Convex | Tests for convexity constraints |
Test::Set::Distinct | Tests for distinctness constraints |
Test::Set::Dom | Tests for domain constraints |
Test::Set::Element | Tests for set element constraints |
Test::Set::Exec | Tests for synchronized execution |
Test::Set::Int | Tests for combined int/set constraints |
Test::Set::Precede | Tests for value precedence constraints |
Test::Set::Rel | Tests for relation constraints |
Test::Set::RelOp | Tests for relation/operation constraints |
Test::Set::RelOpConst | Tests for relation/operation constraints with constants |
Test::Set::Sequence | Tests for sequence constraints |
Test::Set::Var | Tests for set variable conors |